i just can't live without you...

i can live without smelling the beautifull flowers when it's spring,
i can live without hearing the birds singing their little songs in the summer,
i can live without seeing the leafs fall on the ground when it's fall,
i can live without feeling the cold snow in my hands in the winter,
but i can't live without smelling your parfume in the bathroom after you took a shower,
i can't live without hearing your voice when you wake me up,
i can't live without seeing your beautiful eyes the intire day,
and i can't live without feeling your arms around me when i need it

Reageer (2)

  • xlufjoetoexx

    ik dagt eerst dat er in alle zinnen "i can't" stond maar toen las ik het nog een want ik dacht 'dat kan toch niet kloppen' en toen zag ik dat er in de eerste zinnen "i can" stond


    sorry had ik effe nodig haha

    1 decennium geleden
  • Hellevator

    Zo mooi!! <33

    1 decennium geleden

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