Together 'till the end?

Dit gedicht heb ik geschreven naar aanleiding van een hele goede vriend van mij die heeft geprobeerd zelfmoord te plegen en er nu gelukkig weer bovenop is, maar de kans dat hij het ooit gaat doen bestaat nog steeds...

I hope there is a way,
where you don't have to go
because I cannot miss you
simply 'cause you're my support
you say that you won't do it,
when I don't want you to
but I bet that everyone
has said that to a close one
a word is just a word
not something to rely on
I keep waiting, hoping, praying
that one can lead me to the path
where nobody will go off early
but keeps walking till the end
and the road is long
endless if you please
after life we'll still
build upon each other
but no one leaves the path
or takes a shorter route
and wherever the road ends
a new one will evolve
only when we're gray and old
we'll turn into angels
to live our life, and keep on living
saving others' lifes
because when we're together,
we're unbreakable

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