Opdracht voor Engels (:
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It was a Friday night almost Christmas, my parents were working and my brother went to a friend. Which meant that I was home alone and I really don’t mind it. I just finished my homework and decided to go watch a movie. I’m a really big fan of horror movies and I’m the kind of girl that watches them alone and then has nightmares for the rest of the week. But the problem was that I already seen all my horror movies, and I watched them so many times that they get really bored now. So I decided to go the video library to find a new, scary and bloody horror movie. A horror movie like it should be. So I did my shoes on, took my coat, my scarf and my hat and stepped outside. The snow made spots on my shoes. I hate this kind of weather, I like the snow for playing in it, but I hate its cold. It was an advantage that the video library wasn’t far off my home. But it was dark and there was nobody on the street and that really frightened me. I walked really fast, because I got a little bit scared. I had the feeling that someone followed me, so I looked behind my back all the time. When I finally arrived at the video library my hands were frozen. I should’ve wore my gloves. I entered the video library, and went straight to the horror movies. I started searching for a good movie, but I’ve already seen the most of them. Suddenly I saw a movie that really caught my eye. I went to look which it was. The cover was really scary, but that was just what I was looking for. I read the back of the DVD took ice-cream - Ben & Jerry’s Cookie dough, my favourite - and walked to the shopkeeper. That man was really weird. His hair was dirty, his clothes also and he smelled like he haven’t seen a bad in three months or more. But he was really friendly, maybe a bit too friendly. I wished him a Merry Christmas, put the DVD under my coat closed the door, and walked home. It was still snowing when I walked back home. I still had the strange feeling that someone followed me, but I thought I was becoming paranoia.
When I arrived at home, I hung my coat away, did my shoes out and went straight to the living room. I closed the curtains, dimmed the light, put the DVD in the video player and plopped in the sofa with my ice-cream. I pressed play and put a blanket over me, took a big bite of my ice-cream and focused on the screen. The movie begun with a girl that ran away from home, she fell asleep in a forest and when she woke up it was all dark, she met an old man who took her with him, but he didn’t had good intensions. He was a serial killer that killed and mutilated his victims very badly. Actually he looked like that man in the video library. Suddenly the movie stopped, so I went to the TV to look what was wrong. I couldn’t find anything and gave up. Then the screen turned white and it looked like it was coming closer. I get really scared, but I was so surprised that I couldn’t move. Then I couldn’t see anymore and everything faded away.

I woke up somewhere in a forest, wondering myself how I ended up there. Then it all started to come back, the movie, the TV acting weird. I remembered everything and realized that I was trapped inside the movie and I was scared to death. How could I go back, out of this forest, I just wanted to go home. I sat there, crying and praying I could go back home.

Then I saw a man coming my way. I knew it was the serial killer from the movie, and I ran away. I just ran, almost couldn’t breathe anymore. Then I fell over a stone. I felt a hand, it took my hair and pulled on it. So I went stand straight because it hurt like hell. He laughed with me and said I couldn’t escape, that I was going to get killed and that nobody would ever see me again. He made me innocuousness and brought me to the basement of a house. When I woke up, I laid on a table, my hands and feet were tied. I couldn’t move, and I couldn’t scream, because he had put tape on my mouth. I wanted to go out of here, I was terrified of what he was going to do with me. I started struggling, trying to come out of the cords around my hands and feet, but it didn’t work. But I wouldn’t give up, I was too young to die, I still had a whole life I had to live, and this was definitely not the way I wanted to die. What would my family and friends think? They would never find me, because I’m in a movie. They would come home and think I ran away, call the police and report me as missing. They would never think I’m trapped in a movie, how ridiculous does that sound? I heard footsteps on the stair, he was coming. He said to me, that I didn’t have to be scared, that It would be quick and painless, but when he put a knife into my leg I screamed of the pain. He cut in my legs, my arms, my belly and my face. I thought I was going to die off the pain. I saw that there was blood and I started feeling really sick. I could see blood on television, or see blood of other people, but I couldn’t see my own blood. Upstairs rang a phone, he told me he would be right back, that I had to lay still. I tried once again to struggle and come out of the cords, but they were only getting harder to my hands and feet. Then the cord around my right hand snapped, my hand was full of scratches. I took the knife and cut the other cords, I finally could move again. I started searching for a way out, when I saw a little window. I tried to open it, but it didn’t work. I took a chair, and smashed him through the window, hoping that he wouldn’t have heard me. But I didn’t heard him coming. I crept through the window in the white, cold snow. I looked for something I could defend myself with if he would find me. I found a branch and took it. I heard him in the basement, he was yelling and he ran on the stairs. I knew that if I would run away, he would follow me, and he was way faster than me. So I waited till he came outside and I went to the front door. Then he came out, he looked so angry, he couldn’t see me. So I waited till he stapped forward and then I slowly followed him till I was close enough. Then I smacked the branch against his head, he fell down and didn’t move anymore, he was dead. I ran to the place where I woke up, I was exhausted, after a while I fell asleep. When I woke up I was at home, thought it was a dream, till I saw the scratches on my body.

And now I’m locked up in a place for fools. They wouldn’t believe me, said I’m crazy.
They even said I made the scratches on my body myself, that I mutilated myself. The DVD was gone, and the shopkeeper said he’d never seen me in the video library.

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