Foto bij 033 Katie Jane Adams

Vanmiddag komt er nog een stukje bij 5 kudo's! Als je vragen hebt aan mij, of aan een van de personages (denk aan Katie, Faye, en de jongens van One Direction) kan je die natuurlijk ook een vraag stellen =) PS. hoofdstuk 38 word een lange Harry pov =)

“If one of us have a girlfriend or we are dating with someone, gets that girl much hate on twitter, and listening to you, do you have already much hate on twitter.” zegt Liam. “But I’m not a girlfriend from one of you! I’m not dating Harry aswell, not after yesterday , though.” “But you have been spotted together , and the paparazzi are going to think that you’re together as in love, so are they.” “But how do they know my name? I don’t have a namesticker on, though? And I’m not that famous that people know my name.” zeg ik verbaasd. “They find out everything. If there’s someone who knows your name, the whole world know it. Did you get much hate on twitter?” “Not very much, only a few unkind tweets, but that’s everything. I’ve gained ten thousand followers, and many mentions.” zeg ik. “I’m happy you’ve got not that much hate. I should ask the boys that they have to tweet that the world shouldn’t send hate to you, I hope that works.” “No, you don’t have to do that, but ehm, is Harry back since this morning? I have to talk with him and I’m afraid there’s something happened with him because he’s so angry at me, and on you,trough my fault.” zeg ik. “Louis said he’s back, but he’s the whole day at his room. He’s ignoring everyone, includes Louis, his best friend. But you mustn’t think it’s your fault, because it isn’t , Katie. It’s my fault too, If I just slept at the couch then-” “No Liam, It’s not your fault, It’s your room, so you didn’t have to sleep on the couch. If Harry listened to us, would he not be as angry he is now, but he wouldn’t listen to us. I’m going to his room, and I’m going to talk with him. Maybe that helps. I can always try it.” zeg ik. “Okay, you’re right. You know his roomnumber?” vraagt Liam. “No, that’s the reason why I came to here, because I only know the way to his room from here. But a roomnumber is much easier.” zeg ik. “His roomnumber is 211.” zegt Liam. “I wish you much luck, I hope he listen to you.” zegt hij. “Thankyou, I’ll be back if he don’t want to talk with me. Are you going to stay here?” vraag ik. “Yes, I’ll see you later I think, I don’t hope so, cuz Harry doesn’t want to talk with you then. But I’ll wait here. Even if he want to talk with you.” zegt Liam. “No, that’s not fair! You don’t have to wait here if he want to talk with me. You even have to talk with him, after me, so you are going to your room, and I’ll come to there if he doesn’t want to talk with me.” zeg ik. “Well, should I walk with you to his room?” stelt Liam dan voor. Ik knik even. Ik sta op, en Liam ook. We lopen de bar uit, en we gaan met de trap naar boven. De lift is nog steeds kapot, helaas. Maar het is wel goed voor mijn conditie, die ik niet heb. Helemaal uitgeput kom ik boven aan. Liam staat er al te wachten, en grijnst even. “You’re not that fast, are you?” zegt hij. “No, I can’t walk fast on chairs.” zeg ik. “We don’t have to walk on chairs anymore, otherwise I’ll carry you.” zegt hij. “That would be nice.” grijns ik. “But you first have to talk with Harry.” zegt hij. “Yes, I’m going to do that, don’t make me nervous!” zeg ik. Ik kan namelijk nu nog alles verpesten, of alles kan goedkomen. “Go, hurry!” zegt Liam. Ik glimlach even en ik klop op de deur van Louis en Harry.

Reageer (3)

  • Astrieed

    Harry better listens to her.

    1 decennium geleden
  • AppleTree1

    like it, abo, snel verder<3

    1 decennium geleden
  • Marly2801

    Oké, dan doen ze open , en is alles weer goed!
    snel verder!(H)

    1 decennium geleden

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