Harry Styles.
He likes to party and is definitly a cheeky one. Will this bring him in some trouble?

Zayn Malik.
Myterious but very handsome boy. He is good at keeping secrets, but from people he likes.

Niall Horan.
Loves food which annoys pretty much everyone in the house but he's a total sweetheart

George Shelley.
He is social but is carefull around new people. Probably will band with one person the most.

JJ Hamblett.
He's kind of the joker. But has this thing for playing with people's feelings.

Megan Sullivan.
She also likes too eat a lot and makes good fun. She's very social and makes friends easily.

Fiona Waters.
A bit of a party girl. But knows when she needs to get serious.

Penelope Sylvester.
A quiet person. But one's she gets to know you good she'll open up a bit.

Abigail McDawnson.
Comes from a rich family but is a bit socially awkward. She's quite lazy too.

Jasmine Black.
Like to have fun but she's bounded to her boyfriend (Max) Will she break her promise to him?

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