heb een paar erg korte gedichten.

Always is forever
Forever is a long time
But I will stay with you forever
Till the day we die

Geloof nooit de woorden ik hou van jou,
maar geloof de tranen die vallen voor jou.

Try stepping in my shoes and walking a mile.
Then you'll see how hard it is to hold back tears and fake a smile.

It takes years to build trust
And just seconds to destroy it.

Als jij mijn traan was,
zou ik nooit meer durven huilen
uit angst jou kwijt te raken...

Where words fail,
Music speaks

When I’m sad
I shove my headphones on
And just ignore the world

nobody knows who i really am
i never felt this empty before
and if ever need someone to come along
who gonna comfort me and keep me

I’m like a book,
don't judge me by cover
read me page by page,
and then you can judge me!

Sometimes i wish you pay attention to my favorite songs
Because the lyrics say something I’m too afraid to say.

I wish I was a angel,
so that I can fly high above the sky,
and everytime I miss you
I look down to earth
and watch your pretty smile...

You helped me suvive the past.
You are with me in the present.
I want you to be a part of my future.

She holds her head high
Tries not to cry
Smiles although there are tears
In her eyes
Even though she just wants to die
She’s alive enough
still say that she’s fine.

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