Foto bij Chapter 5 (+vertaling)

Ik denk dat ik na dit hoofdstuk alles meteen in het Nederlands erop zet zonder de het Deens!!..

POV Edith


Eilis: Oke Thanks Buddiee!! I have to go now.. Football practice!! See ya later.. BTW how late is our flight and stuff. Edith can you talk further with him and tell me the things.. because im to late!!

Edith: sure! See ya later!x

Niall: See ya!

Jeg har lige skrevet med Niall, og jeg har hans skype. Sker der?? Det er fantastisk! Nu skal resten bare planlægges med ham. Omg, i over morgen er mig og Eilis hos Niall, og møder også de andre fra One Direction. Jeg kan ikke sige det nok gange, det er simpelthen så surrealistisk.

Edih: So when is the flight?

Niall: i think that i can buy tickets for u, so lets see how late they are!!

Edith: okay, ya are checking it now?

Niall: yeah! wait a sec.

Edith: okay!

Niall: there’s a flight at 8 am, 9:45 am or 1 pm so which one?? But btw are u going to Holland first or??

Edith: okay. emmm if there’s a flight which goes to Holland and then UK afterwards, then yeah.

Niall: the flight of 8 am goes to Holland and then there’s a flight of 10:30 am to London

Edith: okay that sounds great! So that one! (:

Niall: Ok! i’m now buying the tickets for you!! what’s your address than i send the tickets to you

Edith: okay thank you so much!! It’s Myway 27, ATown, Denmark

Niall: ok thanks!!

Edith: No problem!

Niall: i think they will be tomorrow there ;D

Edith: okay that’s good! :D

Niall: so have you things u wanna do here or…

Edith: Emm, I don’t have so many things yet.. Maybe Eilis have some. But it could be nice to go to Milkshake City ;D and then just see some of the normal tourist stuff there..

Niall: haha oke that’s fine!

Edith: hahah awesome!

Edith: But talk ya later, I have to eat dinner now. See ya Nialler!

Niall: ok enjoy your dinner! See ya

Edith: thanks! see ya x

Så det planlagt. Jeg får højst sandsynligt billetterne i morgen. Det kan kun blive en helt igennem vidunderlig uge! Jeg tager noget aftensmad, men jeg slet ikke sulten. Jeg så spændt for turen!

Jeg bliver nødt til at skrive til Eilis lidt senere omkring tid, sted og billetter… Håber hun er online lidt senere.

Da jeg er færdig med at spise aftensmad, går jeg ind på mit værelse. Jeg tænder for computeren, og ser hun er online. Jeg skriver til hende.

Edith: Hey! I planned the time and stuff with Niall! I’ll write it to you now

Eilis: Okay, thank you!

Edith: He bought the tickets today, and he sent them to me. So I’ll probably recieve them tomorrow. I’m taking a flight at 8am to Holland, and there connect with a flight at 10:30am to London! So you are taking the flight at 10:30 as well. And then Niall will wait at the airport.

Eilis: Okay. That sounds great! But I have to go now. Talk ya later, byeee!

Edith: Byeee x


POV Edith


Eilis: Oke Thanks Buddiee!! I have to go now.. Football practice!! See ya later.. BTW how late is our flight and stuff. Edith can you talk further with him and tell me the things.. because im to late!!

Edith: sure! See ya later!x

Niall: See ya!

Ik heb net met Niall gepraat en heb zijn Skype. Is het... Het is geweldig!! Nu, alles nog plannen met hem. OMG, overmorgen gaan Eilís en ik Niall en de andere van ‘One Direction’ontmoeten. Ik kan het niet vaak genoeg zeggen, het is gewoon so surrealistisch.

Edih: So when is the flight?

Niall: i think that i can buy tickets for u, so lets see how late they are!!

Edith: okay, ya are checking it now?

Niall: yeah! wait a sec.

Edith: okay!

Niall: there’s a flight at 8 am, 9:45 am or 1 pm so which one?? But btw are u going to Holland first or??

Edith: okay. emmm if there’s a flight which goes to Holland and then UK afterwards, then yeah.

Niall: the flight of 8 am goes to Holland and then there’s a flight of 10:30 am to London

Edith: okay that sounds great! So that one! (:

Niall: Ok! i’m now buying the tickets for you!! what’s your address than i send the tickets to you

Edith: okay thank you so much!! It’s Myway 27, ATown, Denmark

Niall: ok thanks!!

Edith: No problem!

Niall: i think they will be tomorrow there ;D

Edith: okay that’s good! :D

Niall: so have you things u wanna do here or…

Edith: Emm, I don’t have so many things yet.. Maybe Eilis have some. But it could be nice to go to Milkshake City ;D and then just see some of the normal tourist stuff there..

Niall: haha oke that’s fine!

Edith: hahah awesome!

Edith: But talk ya later, I have to eat dinner now. See ya Nialler!

Niall: ok enjoy your dinner! See ya

Edith: thanks! see ya x

Ok, het is gepland. Morgen krijg ik waarschijnlijk de vliegtickets. Het kan alleen maar een werkelijk prachtige week worden! Ik neem wat te eten, maar eigenlijk heb ik helemaal geen hongen. Zo opgewonden ben ik over de reis. Ik moet snel Eilis informeren over de tijd, plaats en tickets.. Ik hoop dat ze online is. Toen ik klaar was met eten liep ik naar mijn kamer toe en zette de computer aan en zie dat ze online is. En schreef....

Edith: Hey! I planned the time and stuff with Niall! I’ll write it to you now

Eilis: Okay, thank you!

Edith: He bought the tickets today, and he sent them to me. So I’ll probably recieve them tomorrow. I’m taking a flight at 8am to Holland, and there connect with a flight at 10:30am to London! So you are taking the flight at 10:30 as well. And then Niall will wait at the airport.

Eilis: Okay. That sounds great! But I have to go now. Talk ya later, byeee!

Edith: Byeee x

Reageer (2)

  • Borderlines

    Waarom komt Eilis er in voor? :O

    1 decennium geleden
  • Borderlines

    Dat plaatje xD hahahahahahahahh

    1 decennium geleden

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