Foto bij Why ?

Hey, I'm still going on ...

I almost couldn’t talk anymore because of my tears. But I didn’t let them take control of me. “All you want, Daniel. I’ll do anything you want.”
“Finish strong, Lev. ‘Cause I love you.” He touched my cheek and he ran through my hear.
He kissed me.
He kissed me when he laid there and was dying. It gave me a feeling that I couldn’t describe. As always, he wasn’t thinking about himself. He always thought about others. I admired him for that.
“Finish strong, Levelynn.”
That were his last words. He stopped breathing. And suddenly I could see numbers everywhere. It shocked me, those numbers. I didn’t know what they stood for. Above the head from every single person that I could see, they were there. They just flew above their heads.
I worried less about Daniel, of course I was broken, but that numbers were scaring me. Strange enough, they also fascinated me. I wanted to know what they mean, why they were there, or I had one to, why I couldn’t see them until now…
He died on 23 October. My Daniel. An from that moment on, my live as a Ceaan, began.

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