Dit is een wat duisterde liedje, dat ik tijdens een saaie les verzonnen heb. Hopelijk vinden jullie het leuk, ondanks het feit dat het zo anders is dan normaal.

Bored out of my mind
Nothing's going on
The silence is everywhere
There's no one around

In this town
Where ghosts live
It's so silent
No one's here

Do I hear you
Did I hear the wind
The rivers streaming
The waters flows donwhill

In this town
Where ghosts live
It's so silent
No one's here

Walking on my own
I hear no footsteps
The wind is blowing
My reflection in the mirror

In this this town
Where ghosts live
It's so silent
No one's here

I feel so lost, on my own
Need someone, to hold me close
My blood is cold, it's like ice
Darkness surrounds me, While I breath

In this town
Where ghosts live
It's so silent
No one's here

Reageer (1)

  • Histoire

    Ik vind het best mooi. (:

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