5. As always I had to go to military school before I could work on my new mission. The mission goes about how a billionaire who spends his money on attractive women in the wrong way, he helps them the country in illegally. In short terms, he is a human smuggler. You’ll think why is this awkward? Many other people are doing the same as he. I can answer that question: ’He is, somehow, making an evil plan behind this, and I have to figure out what. ’ Why the M16 think he is making an evil plan, I don’t know, they have given me the information about strange murders and disappearing. They also have spoken to a view women who are illegal in the UK who were involved by the several situations. Sight, military school many memories cross my mind. But this time everything would be different, Wolf wouldn’t be here either Fox or the others from the K-united are gone. I wonder how they feeling. The car stops, when I look out of the window I see a dessert landscape. How long did I sleep? We aren’t anymore in Canada. The wind blows in my hair while the sand is teasing my eyes. ‘Were are we?’ do I jell to the couple of men I see standing nearby the tents. ‘Mister Rider we did expect you, but not that soon’ One of the two men jells to me. When I walk to the two men, one guard walks next to me. ‘I’m sorry for you, but my question was where we are.’ ‘You are in the Sahara, in Egypt’ the men who was very colored thanks to the sun, swat like the Niagara waterfalls. I laughed, the man did not see why I had to laugh, and he changed the topic. ‘How well are you trained for the military?’ ‘Well I suppose. I’ve been in training for several times, sometimes in extremely cold, bad, warm or normal weather. But I’ve never been in the dessert before I have to confess that.’ ‘We won’t make it less worse than it is, you have to train with the experienced ones, just like the rest’ the last line had an irritating tone, like he thought that I thought that I would be saved because I was thé Alex Rider. ‘I had not expect anything else’ I said, the man looked at me, but I looked away. I bit on my tongue, my face had to look very angry, as I was, because a man who wanted to ask something ran straight away to the place he came from. ‘This will be your tent, your supplies and belongings lay here, now I will show the rest of your unit’ I nodded as sign I understood him. This was no different as the last times. Only that I had to miss my old K-united friends.

Alex thought a lot when he actually had to sleep. This time he thought about the time he was fourteen fifteen. When he was that old, just a kid, he has been through a lot of bad times. Terrible times. Like kids played with their videogames, he played with secret information. Like kids played with fire without their parents knowing, he played with bombs nor he is in a dangerous or deathly situation because of his enemies. Like kids getting a bite by their dogs, he is being bitten by snakes, crocodiles, lions and other animals you only see behind steeled fences. Alex almost starved, hypothermic, dehydrated, poisoned or abused till death. When he was only fourteen fifteen years old. When kids are so old, they are playing soccer, or gaming instead of doing their homework. Alex took his fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes once again and sighted deeply. Tomorrow is going to be a good day, he thought. He hoped. When he wakes he hears the first morning apel, nobody told him what to do, when you hear that kind of sound. Alex act like everyone else, he stand next to his bunk, straight, with his close on and his hand saluting to the man who walks by. The men who has to check them, stops when he is face-to-face with Alex. Alex doesn’t move a muscle. He looks the man straight in his eyes. The man only laughs. ‘You’re only a kid!’ he laughs, while his body is shaking like a snake. ‘How did you come here? Where is your daddy!’ the man made fun of Alex, without knowing he speaks to the youngest spy of the United Kingdom. ‘My dad is killed, so as my mum did. My uncle who taught me everything I need to know about being a spy he also died. I’m not a kid, I’ve experienced more than you have in your miserable life, I’m seventeen I prefer young-adults.’ The smile on the man his face, washed away by Alex words. The other men of the united stood silent. Maybe they were scared to even neither laugh nor sight.

Reageer (2)

  • KatRaven

    WHAHHAHAHAA, ik ze echt hebben gelachen xD (als Samantha)
    vooral dat hij young-adults wilt zijn xD
    ik lees snel verder =D

    1 decennium geleden
  • KatRaven

    geen plaatje????

    1 decennium geleden

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