Foto bij Prologue.

Flames burnt behind me and I faced the gate. My footsteps sounded dark and hollow, just the way I liked it. All around me I heard screaming and crying from those who had been evil. This was their faith and there was nothing they could do about it. That was why I had to go in the first place, because some little angel didn’t follow the rules. I was the one who had to put her back in line. Like I was a simple babysitter! Asselin would be so sorry for making me do this. If he just for once took care of his precious angels, everything would be fine. But of course I was the one to clean up the mess, as usual. I stepped forward and pushed against the gate. It opened and I heard struggle behind me. They wanted to get out, but there was no way in Hell that was going to happen. I slammed the door behind me and landed on soft ground. Now, let’s get my angel.

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