Foto bij 2

2. After a long school day, Alex returned home where he slams the door and run up the stairs. ‘Good afternoon for you too!’ yells Jacky towards the stairs. ‘Good afternoon Jacky, I’m burned out of school’ he yelled back. When his door falls in the lock the last sound is the short click. His hands move fast over the keyboard of his laptop, when he open his mail and reply on one of his messengers. ‘Not again’ he sight when he briefly closes his eyes. ‘Dear Alex Rider,
We’ve heard about your top feat in climbing we decided to reward your world record with a price of one thousand pound, also your name will be written in the hall of fame in the section mountain climbing. At last the press will interview you soon, after we have your permission for that. You can give your permission to click on the following link… bla… bla… bla… ’. Now I have to tell them I don’t want the fame of my feat because… because what? I’m a spy, obviously I can’t tell them that, that’s the reason my name can’t be link with everything that’s open for public. Fast I close my tabs in my browser, when I feel to soft common hands of a good friend, Jacky. ‘Tell me what’s wrong now’ she whispers in my ear. ‘I can’t settle you up with that you know that’ I muttered angrily on purpose. I wasn’t angry about her being nice, but on the people who made my life so complicated but fun. Complicated because I can’t be good in something without somebody know that, but fun because I secretly love the excitement when I’m on a mission and everything works out fine. ‘And you know I won’t sleep when you won’t tell me about the thing you don’t want to talk about’ she gasped for air. ‘That’s a mouthful’ she sighted as she comb my hair with her hands. ‘I think I’m just tired of being invisible, I can’t show myself to the world like I’m really am. I’m not a showoff like you know, but I think I just want sometimes that public attention I think I deserve. You know… I’ve got a world record and nobody knows about it, because I can’t let them know.’ I signed to the screen while I clicked my browser window open again. Jacky read the mail and smiled silent. The smile washed away soon when she saw my face. ‘I’m sorry darling, life is unfair’. One hand rubs on my face for the last time, when she walked out of my room, knowing that I need my own space to process my thoughts and feelings. One slam on my laptop with my fist give me the final realize of my anger feelings, I turn away of my laptop while it make a terrible noise. I let myself fall on my bed and sleep for hours.
When I open my eyes again, I prayed I could back to the dream world. ‘No, leave me alone Alan!’ I shouted to the chief special operations of the M16. ‘Its mister Alan Blunt for you Youngman’ he laughed. ‘No I’m just kidding as you noticed’ my eyebrow raised, he never makes jokes, so he has to be an alien. ‘I brought you here because I need you for an operation…’ While he spoke I interrupted, I was still in a bad mood, I wanted rest and thinking about the last couple of years I didn’t want to be a spy anymore. ‘I won’t do it, whatever the operation goes about, I won’t help you anymore Blunt’. He simple laughed like I was that fourteen year old again. Suddenly he stopped and started applauding. ‘Great acting skills, now we move on and have a chat about the operation.’ He walked circles around my bed where I was laid in, in the wooden vacation bungalow I didn’t knew. ‘Wait, before I get mad on your last phrase, how do I get here? This is not my own bed!’. ‘I thought you know us better by know, we took you with us so you could join us here in Quebec.’ He spread his arms like he want to hold a Victorian villa. So I was in Quebec, laid in a bed in a wooden house, with several people standing around me. I was chained so I couldn’t walk away, not fast at least. ‘Right, and second I didn’t act, you’re a whole act by yourself’ I point my finger at him angry. ‘I know you would be obstructive like you always do, but you know like I know, that you always do what I tell you to do. You don’t have many options and the one you have aren’t in your favor.’
‘I know it always goes your way, but this time you’ve got nothing to me with.’
‘You think so…’ He laughed for the second time, now it scared me, I over thought the options I may have, but couldn’t find something threatening. ‘Option one…’ he counted on his fingers, ‘You do as I told you so and everything goes fine… Two; you will go to an orphan shelter were we tell them you a terrible child with several problems… Three; Jacky will lose her visa for the United Kingdom and has to go to the United States again… Four…-’ these were old Threats but still they caged my in the old position. When I thought about my options I knew how to defend myself against them, know I was frozen as I stared to the man who gave me a lot of choices an give me no choice at the same time. ‘Like you said, you know that I know I have to do this, right’ Hopeless as I was, I listen to the task he gave me, like he gives me everything I did had and still have.

Reageer (1)

  • KatRaven

    woooooooooooooow, super verhaal. i love this story, het orgineel en deze =D snel verder!!!!!!!!

    1 decennium geleden

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