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This is my first Fanfic… So please don’t flame. (I’m not native English/American, so please improve my many faults)

1. His glamorous brown eyes stared into the distance, His hair of gold was cut shortly.
Alex Rider wasn’t known as the youngest spy of the United Kingdom, not here in this environment. Here he was the boy who didn’t spend much time on school, but still pass the next year. Because he didn’t spend much time at school, not many students even know his name, when he was on school he was every year the new boy of the class. He didn’t care to much about that fact. He knew when he was a long amount of time at school, M16 would pick him up soon for a new mission. First he would struggle, shout he doesn’t want to cooperate with them and want to be a normal boy and fight with arguments that they can’t make him do the missions. But like always they have their way. They would force him with their high powers which are their control about money, politics and the orphan house . More often they threat Jack to send her back to the United States, that’s almost the worst threat they have and use. Jack Starbright was my au pair, and is now my guardian but also my best friend. Eventually I would give in, I had to I’m only seventeen and don’t want to spend years in an orphan house. My parents died, and my uncle who was as a father to me, I’m on my own.
When I look into the distance a light shadow appears in front of my eyes. For a couple of seconds I blink my eyes, so I can sharpen my vision. A girl with the most beautiful smile looks straight in my eyes. Her green eyes looks adventurous, while she is speaking I can only imagine what it would be like to touch her cheek, to feel how soft it is. ‘Did you even understand one word I just said?’ The girl put her hands on her hips while she walked away to sit next to him. ‘Of course I did but I’ve got short memory, so I would blame my brains for not be able to repeat the things you just said’ he smiled smart to the girl who gave him butterflies. ‘You smartass’ she laughed too. When the bell rings his tune, the youngsters new they had to go inside the building where dreams where forbidden and nightmares ruled there daydreams. School began again after a long term break in the sunny afternoon. ‘Well bye then’ she said, they stood up and walked away like snails. Slowly they were separated, and he didn’t even know her name.

‘I don’t even know what her name is’ I thought by myself. The class was boring as hell, the teacher teach me things I already know a long time ago. I dreamed away and I know I could do that without being punished. Because of the missions M16 give me, and the military training I have to do, I do not spend a lot time at school so the teachers leave me alone knowing I’m not useful in class. With “not useful” I mean i don’t have to speak in class or answering questions or explain things. Jealous eyes look my way when I’m obviously dreaming away, thinking about the missions I did, or the experiences I already have on my ages of seventeen years. Like now I dream about my ex-girlfriend Sabina Pleasure. Why did she had to move to the USA? On the other side when I’ve got a mission again she is not in danger. One sight of relieve light up my tired shoulders. Alex dream as hard as you can, stare in the distance, and be on that happy spot where your parents are, hugging and kissing you like a child you were once before. Just like in the time I still was naïve or more importantly, I had innocence.

Reageer (1)

  • KatRaven

    Because he didn’t spend much time at school, not many students even knew his name
    when he was at school he was every year the new boy of the class.
    But like always they have their ways
    and is now my guardian but also my best friend. misschien moet je not only my gaurdian doen, klinkt misschien net iets beter:X
    I already learned a long time ago.

    super goed verhaaaal!!!!!!
    zoals je kan zien heb ik hier en daar was foutjes gespot :X maar natuurlijk weet ik ook niet of die weer goed zijn maar dan loopt de zin net iets beter heb ik het gevoel
    ik neem een abo en wacht tot er een nieuwe deel is =D

    1 decennium geleden

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