Sorry voor het lange wachten, school enzo nam veel tijd in en zoog de inspiratie weg.
Ik zal eerdags van die liedje een filmpje maken, zodat jullie weten hoe het voor mij klinkt.


You were always there
When I needed someone
I could go to you
When I was feeling down

It feels so bad
Without you
I just don't know
Why you left me
And I'm stil
Waiting for you
Cause I believe
You will come back to me

Letting you go
Was the wrong choice
I still don't know why
I said those things to you
It feels so stupid now
Why did we fight

It feels so bad
Without you
I just don't know
Why you left me
And I'm stil
Waiting for you
Cause I believe
You will come back to me

If I knew back then
What I know now
I would never ever
Let you go away from me
How could I be so stupid
To not see those signs

It feels so bad
Without you
I just don't know
Why you left me
And I'm stil
Waiting for you
Cause I believe
You will come back to me

Standing here alone, is the worse thing of all
Never before, in my life, did I feel this way
Crying my eyes out, screaming for you and your love
When will you come back to me, cause it's hard without you

It feels so bad
Without you
I just don't know
Why you left me
And I'm still
Waiting for you
Cause I believe
You will come back to me

Now I can see, what I've done
I've been a mess and a bitch
I didn't mean to be so rude to you
If I say sorry, will you come back to me

I cannot life, without you

Reageer (1)

  • Histoire

    Deze is wel lief. (:

    1 decennium geleden

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