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It was a trip I'll never forget. It was a cold winter night, just a couple of nights before Christmas.
It was at a quarter past 11 when I was strolling in the park, which was only a few yards away from home. I couldn't believe what I saw.
It was as if a ball of fire struck down to Earth, right in the middle of the park. I walked towards the spot where the ball of fire should have landed, and saw a huge dragon. It had a flaming gold colour and huge wings. I noticed he had bright blue eyes as he was looking into my direction.
I was afraid I might've fainted any moment, but that didn't happen. Instead, I was slowly walking towards the dragon, even though I was shaking.
The dragon didn't attack me. Instead, he asked me if I wanted to see Elladur, the world he originally came from. Without thinking about it, I accepted the invitation. It wasn't a regular thing that a dragon asked me if I wanted to see a magical world, so why not?
The dragon, named Alion, told me to climb on his back and close my eyes, so I did.
Alion started flying, and it was a weird, funny feeling since my eyes were still closed.
Alion told me to open my eyes. I looked to the right and saw unicorns, rainbows, and a pink sky. I wondered how it was possible that a dragon came from such a happy, colorful world, but then, Alion told me I had to look to the left.
It was the opposite of what I had just seen on my right side.
I saw raging hellfire, dragons and other magical creatures killing each other.
"Welcome to Elladur," Alion said. He looked at me with a devilish grin. I wasn't able to move, or speak. I was still shocked by what I just saw. Two seconds later, everything turned black.
When I opened my eyes, I looked into Alion's bright blue eyes. That means... All of this wasn't just a bad dream.
"Dinner's served," Alion said. I looked at my plate and saw a dead Christmas fairy. "Merry Christmas!" Alion said.

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