''Madara, Madara Uchiha'' he answered her randomly odd question.

''Thanks, Madara.'' she said and he looked at her doubtfully. She thanked him? For killing? For what?

''Thanks for what?'' he asked a little irritated; but regained his confidence back of course.

''For letting me know how to feel hatred'' she said and pushed him away with all her force; he fell backwards, but jumping back at her almost immediately before she could open the door he has closed before. But he was faster this time.
He grabbed her fist and taking a full hold of her arm, he slammed her to the ground with such an ease, pinning her hands down, it seemed without any effort.

He looked straight into her eyes, slightly grinning.

''You can hate me. I don't mind. But your parents hated you from the very beginning'' he offered her a little secret he seemed to carry all along.

She looked at him and remained silent; maybe he had some more truth to tell her, more questions to answer.

''How do you know something like this?'' she asked.

''I simply do.'' he said. He was still looking into her eyes she and she got a funny feeling in her gut. “A feeling?” She was disturbed by it. She could tell he was telling her the truth. The little she could remember about her childhood was that she always got into trouble for no reason. But still; she thought her parents loved her.

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