''Nice one. I've already read it'' the guy in front of her said calmly when he also kneelt down to the ground. She looked at him; into his black eyes and onto his black hair. He held an orange swirly mask in his left hand; he really looked too handsome for her taste - She felt like she wanted to blush; but couldn’t.

''TOBI! WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?!'' a voice called out and some explosions made their way, probably searching for something. The black haired guy in front of her turned to the voice he had just heard.

''What's your name?'' he asked in his calm voice again and she really started to like the sound.

''Curare'' she answered slowly. She didn't know why she even answered his question; but she didn't mind him knowing her real name. It's not like she'd ever see him again now, would she?

The guy in front of her stood up and pulled up his mask, staring at her wide eyed.
''Leave, now!'' he demanded and turned around. Curare raised an eyebrow at that. She didn't want to take orders; although that was all she had to do and had wanted to do her whole life; but this guy wasn't someone she could get something from, so why should she obey him?

Curare 'tched'' at his demand and slowly walked away, only to hide behind a tree and watch the guy walking away. Now she was able to see what he was wearing: a black cloak with red elements and white clouds.

''TOBI IS COMING DEIDARA-SEMPAI!'' he said and ran towards the voice that called him earlier.

Curare was really irritated now. His voice was absolutely calm when he spoke to her; yet he sounded so childish, she couldn't believe it. It was like he had been replaced by a foolish idiot.

She raised her eyebrow at that and rested her index finger on her chin; trying to make her think of a reason, only to come to the conclusion that she wouldn't find out by just asking herself; she was a girl of deeds. And she was really determined to get an answer now. She already had his name: Tobi.

''Such an unsuitable name'' she thought to herself.

She closed her Icha Icha Paradise book and put it away. Slowly, sneaking around the area she saw him walking with a girl with long blonde hair. ''Must be his girlfriend'' Curare thought to herself as she heard the blonde start a conversation.

''We need to hurry a little, Tobi! Your stupid pause cost us some time'' the voice said and Curare’s eyes widened in surprise; she thought the body belonged to a girl; now she was obviously proved wrong: it was a male.

''And here I thought that guy was with Tobi...'' she mentally slapped herself for thinking such a thing.
Homosexuality was forbidden; the monastery taught her this.

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