She did that for some time. For more than 10 years to be exact. And now she was 27. Actually...she didn't even have a chance to do anything else since this was the only money source she had besides hunting wanted people and killing them to get money afterwards. If she didn't kill; she couldn't live.

''Killing equals life'' she said to the guy in front of her as he dropped to the ground, dead. Ready to be the amount of money since his head was worth a lot of money.

''Wow, just another corpse who ensures money for my regular 'Icha-Icha-Paradise-series' '' she said as she exchanged the corpse, for the money and started to read the last version she had bought before being on her way to get the latest one. She had always loved it.

''They're having feelings. They're having emotions'' she thought to herself as she read the dialogues slowly.
''As if something like that exists...'' she added mentally. And that’s exactly why she kept on reading.
Not because there were randomly made up people whose emotions were active but because she knew it was all just made up. She couldn't love just like those fictive characters couldn't. Or could they? Could she?
''I haven't seen you recently Ai. You have become beautiful.'' Masaru said and stroked a strand of hair behind Ai's ear'' was the part she was reading at the moment.

She got lost in the story she was reading and kept on walking until she ran into someone, dropped the book and kneelt down to the ground to pick it up again before someone saw it. It wasn't actually something a girl should read. Especially not if they had grown up in a monastery...

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