Chapter 10

The next day Victoria made her way to Professor Moody’s office. Anticipation bubbled within as she navigated the castle hallways. Upon reaching Moody's office, she hesitated for a moment before knocking. The door swung open, revealing Moody's grizzled expression and the magical eye that seemed to assess every detail.

"Miss Ollivander, right on time," Moody greeted, a faint smile breaking through his stern exterior. "Come in, we've got work to do."

Entering the cluttered office filled with artefacts and magical objects, Victoria noticed a heavily-used map of Gringotts and other ancient scrolls spread across Moody's desk. She raised an eyebrow in surprise, it seemed like Moody was putting his best effort to help her. She took a seat and looked expectantly at her professor.

The rhythmic clacking of his wooden leg echoed as he tapped against the stone floor with each step. While pacing around the room, his gaze focused on her. "Becoming a curse-breaker isn't just about casting spells and dismantling traps. It's about understanding the history, culture, and ,most importantly, the dark magic that permeates the places you'll explore."

She hastily began jotting down notes, absorbing his advice. As an auror professor Moody’s insights were especially valuable. She made a mental note to check out some books about it later in the library.

He handed her the map, tracing his finger over the intricate lines. "Gringotts is just the tip of the iceberg. Magical protections aren't just locks waiting to be picked; they are stories, secrets and challenges waiting for the right person to unravel."

Moody continued, "We'll start with the basics. Recognizing the subtle signs of dark magic, understanding ancient symbols, and deciphering curses. These are the skills that'll set you apart from the average witch or wizard."

“Thank you professor,” said Victoria, trying to inform him how much she appreciated his help but not finding the correct words.

Despite the occasional creak and groan of the wood, his movements remain steadfast and resolute. He continued, “Getting to the bottom of a curse asks for more than just flicking your wand and hoping for the best. It's about unravelling the twisted dance of magic that others weave," Moody began, his magical eye fixed on Victoria. “It's not just about brute force; it's about knowledge. Take this, for instance."

He held up an enchanted, seemingly harmless object — a small, intricately carved box. "This is no ordinary box, Miss Ollivander. It's charmed with layers of protective spells, each more cunning than the last. Your task is to uncover its secrets."

Moody handed Victoria a parchment with incantations and diagrams. "Your task is to analyse this box, understand its structure, and find a way to disable the protective enchantment without triggering any secondary curses. Pay attention to every detail; not only the success of your mission but also your health depends on it."

As Victoria delved into the study material, Moody observed her with a keen eye and handed her a pair of dragon-hide gloves. "Wear these” he uttered in a gruff manner; curses have a way of biting back if you're not careful."

As Victoria examined the box, Moody continued, "Start by identifying the primary enchantment. Trace its magic, feel it in your bones. Then, and this is crucial, determine how each layer interacts. A curse isn't just a standalone spell; it's a web of interconnected magic waiting to ensnare the unprepared."

Victoria's gaze was locked on the box as she absorbed Moody's instructions. “Remember, Ollivander, in curse breaking, ignorance is the most dangerous quality to have. It’s not only a fight against the curses, but a fight against yourself and your very own skills”

Victoria took a deep breath, the weight of Moody's words settling over her like a heavy cloak. The box in front of her seemed to pulse with an unseen energy, challenging her to uncover its secrets. With determination in her eyes, she put on the dragon-hide gloves, grasped her wand, and focused on the task at hand.

Moody went back to his desk to correct some homework, his magical eye glancing at Victoria from time to time, observing her every move.

As Victoria delved into the examination, her wand moved with precision. She murmured some incantations from the parchment, her fingers tracing the intricate carvings on the box. The protective spells revealed themselves gradually, like layers of an ancient manuscript waiting to be deciphered.

Moody's grizzled voice echoed through the room, offering guidance and occasional warnings.

"A curse isn't just a series of incantations; it's a language, and you need to learn how to read it.”

"Watch for subtle shifts in the magic. The moment you detect an anomaly, stop. We're dealing with curses that have been crafted by some of the darkest minds in wizarding history. One wrong move, and you might find yourself entangled in a trap."

Victoria felt a surge of adrenaline as she navigated the magical nuances of the protective enchantments. She tried her hardest to untangle the web of curses, but felt herself stuck at the first one. Despite her best attempts, the professor remained engrossed in correcting homework, leaving her with a lingering sense of guilt for occupying his time. After a meticulous examination, Victoria managed to identify the core of the protective spell. Armed with a new sense of hope, she began working on the second layer, each movement precise and calculated. Moody observed in silence, his magical eye narrowing with approval.

Finally, the last layer gave way, and the box lay before her, its enchantments disarmed. Victoria looked up at Moody, a mixture of satisfaction and curiosity in her eyes as she opened the box and found a scroll of parchment in it. On the parchment were a list of book titles regarding curse breaking.

"Well done, Ollivander," Moody grunted, a rare hint of approval in his tone. "Curse breaking is about mastering the unpredictable, about outsmarting the magic itself. This is only the beginning. There's much more for you to learn."

The lesson concluded with Moody imparting a piece of advice, "Determination is power, Ollivander. And power is what you'll need when you're standing at the entrance of an ancient tomb, facing the unknown. Now, go and review what we've covered today. There's much more to learn, and you'll need every bit of it."

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