Broke the charger of my computer, glad i got it fixed, i'm planning to upload some chapters in the coming days to make up for the delay.

Chapter 9

She tried to push aside the lingering discomfort after the encounter with Lucas. While her mind kept bringing up memories of which she couldn’t decide if the butterflies in her stomach were making her happy rather than nauseous. Hence, she was grateful for the shadows created by the flickering light of their wands masking the emotions on her face.

They continued their patrol in a rather uncomfortable silence. Victoria was in a battle with her own mind, which, in an attempt to soothe her, started flooding her with painful memories of a time she could never get back. John, on the other hand, had decided it was better to stop mustering up his courage and attempt to talk. While he wanted to showcase the bravery a Gryffindor like him should be known for, he felt the icy silence of his companion after the encounter with his friend.

Deciding that it would just be a reckless endeavour that wasn’t worth the risk, they continued walking. The silence only being broken by a soft rhythmic thud when they encountered Professor Moody. His magical eye whizzed about as he scrutinized them. Victoria’s discomfort grew as she felt a knot form in her stomach; Moody's reputation for being suspicious of everyone preceded him.
"What are you two doing out here?" Moody's voice rumbled, his gaze shifting between Victoria and John, until it finally lingered on Victoria, prompting her to answer.

Victoria straightened up. "We're on patrol, Professor," Victoria replied, trying to keep her tone steady despite the unease prickling at the back of her mind.
Moody's magical eye fixed on her, seeming to bore into her very soul. "Patrolling, huh? And what exactly are you looking for, Miss Ollivander?"
Victoria resisted the urge to fidget under his scrutiny. "We're just ensuring the safety and security of the castle, Professor. You know, keeping an eye out for anything unusual."

“And what makes you think you have the authority?"
John, who had been standing quietly beside Victoria, took a step forward and revealed his badge. "As the Gryffindor prefect, and Victoria as the Head Girl, we have the authority to patrol the castle at night."

Moody's normal eye narrowed, while his magical one seemed to zoom in on the badges, finally acknowledging them. "Is that so?" he muttered, almost to himself. His gaze shifted between their badges and their faces, lingering on Victoria as if searching for something. "Badges don't mean you're immune to trouble. Stay vigilant."

"Of course, Professor," John replied, his voice steady.

As Moody hobbled away, the rhythmic thud of his wooden leg echoed down the corridor. Victoria let out a breath she didn't realise she had been holding. The tension in the air seemed to dissipate slightly, but the weight of Moody's warning lingered.

John finally spoke up, his voice hushed. "Do you think he didn't notice our badges at first?"
Victoria shook her head, her expression thoughtful. "He should have. Unless he was distracted by something."
John nodded, looking back down the corridor where Moody had disappeared. "Or maybe he was testing us, to see how we'd react."
"Maybe," Victoria replied, though her mind was racing with other possibilities. She couldn't shake the feeling that Moody's distraction, if it was that, could mean there was something else he was worried about.

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