Foto bij Leaving Riverdale

Leaving Riverdael will be the hardest thing for Serpents Fp and Jughead, but what would the future bring Jughead and Fp in NY?
"Jug, come on we have to be driving, Jellybean and your mom will be at the house when we arrive... What is taking you so long?" FP jells to Jughead whom is in another world on his Laptop. "Hold on just clicking sendf." Jughead says and puts his laptop in the bag next to him. While he grabbs a nother bag and looks around the trailer, where his life began and ended in riverdales long story.
/A lot has happend here, that's what Jughead is thinking. But he also knows it's a new time for him and his dad in Ny with Jelly bean and his mother. Whom they have longing to see ever since they left Riverdale. "WEl Juggy, here we go. A fresh start in a fresh place.. right?" Fp mentions to his son. Jughead nodds and while they drive he seems to remember everything he is leaving behind his friends, Betty and all the horrors he seems to have forgotten about.

As they where driving, Jughead hears his cellphone, as he gets it he sees he has got a new mail, He seems to be very curious by the mail. "What is it Jug, you seem a bit distracted?" Jug smiles and tells his father he got a crazy email, from an unknown email adres, saying he's got a number one fan and wishes to write with him, and getting to know the real Jughead Jones within. "What should i do? I mean it could be a faker, although she send a picture of her room. With all the pieces and pictures of my book?" Jug says to his father. "Well you can ask her if it is a her, mor einformation about whom she is. and all." Jughead thinks about it, and while they are driving he is writing her a email back.

Dear Jaila,

Tell me more about your passion for my book. I am diying to know what made you buy the book.
Greetings Jug.

As Fp and Jug are talking the whole way to NY about a new life and new hopes, and new house with Jellybean and his mother, they seem to forget the past a little more as they are laughing, and in fantasy seeing their new lifes. "Well Jug tomorow is your first day at your NY School. How are you doing Exctiting at all?" Fp laughs to Jug as a proud father.
Fp Always knew deep inside that his son Jug would turn out great, as his father he sences those stuff. His inspirations and his expectations in life. Jug was going to make it big, Fp Thinks.

Leaving Riverdale and my past life behind me, is rough. But giving a new opurtunity and a chnce of a happy life with Jellybean and my parents. Is giving me the hope i need to survive in a normal world. Where every day anything could happen. Riverdale was a big part of a crazy history. But know i am focusing on my school where ill be studying literature and poetry. So i can become more of a writer i already am.
My next entry will be my first day at the new school...
With all my loving greetings,
Jughead Jones.

New message it says in his mail, from Jaila.

Dear Jughead,

My passion began at YouTube, i was listening to some deep moving soundtracks, as my Facebook pops up. My best friend Ken send me a YouTube lnk about some Serpents in Riverdale being chaindup on their old high school. It kept me thinking, about the guy in front of them. Soem weird atraction fase...
Day in day out, your face kept outing me. Even in dreams during the day in class. I started following every new post from people from Riverdale With Ken. Who is from Riverdale, but since the death of his best friend, they started a new life in NY.
I became upssed somehow by all the mistery that Riverdale has. And started becoming friends with a guy named Kevin. Who gave me all the intel i wanted.
That''s alittle of the story.. How about you... Who is Jughead Jones actually, behind the laptop and al the murder mysteries?"
Love Jaila.

"Well Juggy, seems you've got yourself a good one.. she seems in love with Jughead Jones.. he he."Fp was laaughing and smiling in the car.
"Yeah i guess, dad. Wait we are already in NY. I was so focust on reading the mail i forgot where we are...NY here we come..."

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