POV Percy Jackson

Katarina followed Artemis into her tent and I stayed behind. Thalia comes back with a plate of food I don’t know what it is but it looks good and I am starving. I can’t remember the last time we stopped to eat in those damn tunnels. I chuckle quite when I think the word damn and all our stupid dam jokes years back at hoover dam. That was my first quest with the Huntresses and Thalia.
“So Seaweed Brain why did you came with Katarina?”: Thalia asks me when I finished my plate. “It’s how Rachel predicate it, looking back I think she would done fine on her own tho”: I answer honestly. “Well she got some Huntress powers inside her before she even took the pledge so that would explain a lot”. “Did she made a big entrance like you”: Thalia bumped my shoulder and laughs while she says it. “Pretty much she came in wounded, bleeding and unconscious like most”. “So how is traveling with this bunch?”: I ask her. “It’s cool, nobody doubts each other, we work well together, hunting monsters for the Gods is fun and I am getting better with bow and arrow”. “You were already good at that”: I kind of complement her. “Not like that I mean shooting lightning with my arrows, stings hurts like Hades’ wrath”: she tells with a little smile. “Don’t get to excited pinecone face”. “So where is Annabeth actually, it’s a miracle you survived without her”. “I am not that stupid and she is in France helping Athena with something. I don’t know what, she messaged when I was asleep so Kat talked with her”. “Athena needed her what’s that all about?”: Thalia is just so surprised as I was. “If I knew you would know”: I mumble.

Then Artemis followed by Kat come out of the tent. Kat took the pledge, in her black hair is now the silver hairband and she is wearing the same as everybody except Thalia. Kat looks happy and like she belongs here, almost peaceful. “So you took the pledge”: I say when she is close enough to hear me. She smiles, “Yes and I got almost all of my questions answered”, while she says that last part she looks at Artemis. Artemis smiles at Kat, “Wait here for a minute”, and she walks away. “Well girly now you are the oldest one here”: says Thalia to Kat and raps her arm around her. “Really?”: Kat says. “Thalia became a Huntress a day before her sixteenth birthday”: I say, Kat only nods. “Kat are you happy with what you found out?”: I ask, she starts to smile even wider. “Absolutely now I know my past I can focus on the future”.

“Katarina to answer your last questions I want you to meet Lily Mirella Vadoma. This is the new life she got, this is where she belongs and I think you can figure out what happened to her now on your own”: Artemis says. The fourteen year old girl she introduced as Lily looks amazed at Kat. Kat on the other hand looks frozen standing there just staring at the blond haired girl, tears start to form in her eyes. I feel like I seriously missed something. Slowly Kat opens her arms and hugs the girl in front of her, “Mom”: she whispers and sobs softly. “What”: I say and look with open mouth at Kat and the blond girl, they don’t look the same in any way. The girl has blond hair, olive skin and brown eyes. Kat lets her go “Artemis renamed me Katarina Florica Vadoma”: Kat says to the girl who has also tears in her eyes now. “Florica is what I named you when you were born, Vadoma is my maiden name”: she tells Kat, who smiles and hugs the girl again. “I will tell you anything that happened to me when I come back, where I ended up, my childhood, friends I made, just everything”: Kat rattles.
“When you come back?”: Thalia and I ask at the same time. “Yes I am coming back with you, Jackson. I promised Rachel and I have to thank Dean and say goodbye. Also I have to make sure you come home as a boy that I promised to Annabeth”: Kat explains with that last part to tease me. “Haha very funny”: I mumble and shiver when I think back at it.

“You get three days Katarina then you have to return”: Artemis says with power. “Ofcours my lady”: Kat says and bows. “Come Jackson no time to waste”: she says and pulls me after her. “Later everybody”: she shouts. “Bye Pinecone face”: I shout and wave at Thalia who smiles and waves back. And the end of the forest is a cave. “Artemis told me this was the fastest way back home. Just make sure I don’t drown”: Kat says and jumps into the cave. As soon as I hear a plunge I jump after her. Underwater I realise what she actually said to me. I swim towards her and make a bubble around her head so she can breathe. “Thanks”: she says and swims deeper down, I follow quietly. Suddenly we are in this miniature underwater twister and everything is very dark then the spinning stops and slowly we float up. When my head gets out of the water I see we are at the camp half-blood beach. The suns is just starting to get up so a lot of time has passed. “That was kind of cool but how are the pegasi coming back?”: I ask. “Artemis sends them back when they are rested and I hope I can borrow another pegasi to get back to the camp”. “Ofcours we get you back there in time”: I promise her. “Cool now let’s go find Rachel”: Kat says and swims to the shore, I follow her.

“Percy”: Tyson shouts and comes running, “Tyson missed big brother, you were gone really long”: he says and hugs me way too tight. “You two are family?”: Kat asks confused. “Yep half-brothers, Tyson is my little brother”: I tell her and still I feel proud. Kat shrugs like she says ‘okay I don’t care that your brother is a Cyclops’. “That’s the scary girl”: Tyson tries to whisper. “I am not that scary”: Kat protests and I laugh. Kat rolls her eyes and starts to walk towards the big house, Tyson and I follow her. Chiron is happy and surprised to see us. “That was a fast quest you were away for what eight days”: he says. “Well I was really curious about my past so maybe I pushed it a bit to hard”: Kat tells him. He nods, “I see you met Artemis so I guess your quest was a success”. “Yes that’s why I came back to tell Rachel all about it like I promised”: Kat says. “If you want to wait you can tell everybody at the bonfire tonight”. “That’s okay with me. Is my dad still around?”: she asks. “Yes he is been helping me teach archery to the less talented once”: Chiron says and looks at me, which makes me blush. “So the Apollo cabin I presume”: Kat asks not noticing the look Chiron gave me. “Yes there you can find him”. Kat smiles and turns to me, “I know you want to ask him you don’t have to come with me”. “Thanks Kat”: I say and she walks to the stairs probably towards Rachel before seeing her father. “Chiron”: I begin. “I know you want to ask about Annabeth and I ”: he says interrupting me but he gets interrupted by Tyson, “She will be back soon” he holds up something. “Tyson what’s that?”: I ask him. “From Annabeth for you”: he says happy and gives it to me, it’s a letter. I open it and start figuring out what it says. Stupid dyslexia.

“Dear Seaweed Brain, when you come back I will be gone but not for long. I tried to contact you but Kat told me you were asleep. She also told me what happened I hope you two can fix it I don’t want to lose you again. But Athena needs me in France its nothing serious just some architect things. I hope you and Kat succeeded her quest. See you when I come back. Loves your Wise girl.”

I sigh relieved she isn’t in serious trouble. I put the letter in my pocket, “She is helping her mother build something”: I say and I see that Chiron is relieved too. “Athena left a riddle for Annabeth and she was very mysterious about it. Like she wasn’t allowed to tell anybody about it”: Chiron tells me. “That is what the Gods do”: I say then the horn sounds. “Breakfast”: says Tyson and claps his hands excited. “Come on big guy”: I say and together we walk to the dining pavilion.

Almost everybody is already there. I find Kat between the Apollo kids with Rachel and Dean, Kat’s father. “Peter Johnson you made it back once more”: is how Mr. D greets me. “It’s Percy Jackson”: I mumble and take place at table 3 with Tyson. The rest of the day goes by pretty soon Kat and I participate with the camp schedule like any other camp day. We had archery in which she beat me, we went climbing the lava wall, sword fighting in which I kicked her butt and we went to the strawberry fields to help collect strawberries. Around lunch we came across Grover and Juniper, who started crying as soon as she saw Kat took the pledge, which means leaving her. Kat stayed calm and explained her she never belonged in camp Half-Blood. After that we went our own ways Kat went with Juniper and I went to the beach with Tyson and Grover. Oh and Drew screamed at us for a while for leaving the pegasi behind but we mostly ignored her.

Now we are sitting in the amphitheatre the fire is burning middle high but bright golden. Chiron stands in front of it waiting for everybody to get silent. Kat sits next to me she is talking to Rachel but suddenly turns to me. “Do you mind if I tell the part you changed into a girl”: she whispers. “Not my proudest moment but it’s part of the story”. “Kay than that’s clear”: she says and turns back to Rachel. Chiron stamps on the ground with his hooves. “Now everybody is settled you probably noticed that Percy and Katarina returned from their quest. Like you have seen Katarina decided to join Artemis her Huntress. She came back because a promise she made. Now she is going to tell us the story of what she and Percy have experienced”: he says, steps away and Kat takes his place.

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