Yes I'm still alive. It just took me a long time to find some time to start writing again.
I've been busy with school lately, but if everything goes well ... i will receive my diploma at the end of june 2017 WOOOW!

But okay, let's start with the thing why you guys are really here: reading the next chapter.

P.S. Like I already said, it's been a long time. Before I started writing, i had to read the story all over again. So I hope I won't write stupid things or write stuff that doesn't fit in the story. Fingers crossed!

P.S.S. Don't you forget to leave a comment and give me a kuddo? (= would be extra motivation ;) )

P.O.V. of the company

'How do you mean she's gone?' asked Nori. - 'She can't just slip away in the middle of the night!' said Dwalin. - 'Maybe she's upset because of what Gandalf told us', said Balin wisely. The other dwarfs looked at each other and some of them nodded. 'Then we must find her! It's dangerous out there especially for her. The Orc's know that she's one of us. If they find her, they can get more power to destroy us. I'm going to find her', said Bilbo. 'I'm coming with you!' agreed Bofur . Without saying anything further Bilbo and Bofur left the castle. 'WAIT!' - Bofur and Bilbo turned their heads and there stood the other dwarfs. 'We're coming with you. You're right. We have to find her!' said Balin. Bilbo and Bofur smiled at each other. And so it happened, all thirtheen dwarfs and one little hobbit left the safe haven: Rivendel to find Harper.

P.O.V. Harper
I walked in the field where we had battled against the Orcs. There were bodies all over the place, I went closer to an Orc body. It smelled and I almost had to vomit. I've seen a lot of Orcs in my life, but this one was probably the ugliest one I've ever seen. I looked around and figured out which way to take. During the battle we ran around in the field and because of that I couldn't orient myself. O gosh, if I just could fly for this one time. I could scan the field and remember how we came here. In the middle of the field there was a rock. I ran towards the rock, climbed on it and looked around. Suddenly I had a memorie. I remembered this rock. We all stood (some of them sat) behind this rock when we got attacked. One orc stood here on the place were I stood. Kili shot him down. And the Orc still lay there. Now I remembered that I actually missed Kili. And Fili. And Bilbo. And Balin. And all the others. But I couldn't stay with them. Thorin was right, they have enough to think about and they have there own dangerous quest. I can't expect that they will protect me and help me finding my powers. I felt a little breeze and knew that I had to move on. I focused back on the field and knew which way to go. So I started walking and went back to the woods. I whistled a melody and stepped on 'high speed'. When darkness came I looked out for a place to sleep. I climbed into a tree and made myself comfortable. In the tree I had a great view. I felt inspired to write, so I took my diary.

I'm alone again.I left the dwarfs in Rivendel and decided to go further on my own. We had a little 'fight'. No wait, I'm wrong. We didn't fight, we had an argument.
No, we hadn't an argument. In fact I just ran away and didn't gave them a chance to explain properly. Gandalf and Elrond talked to them and told them some secrets ABOUT ME and diary you have to know that Elrond and Gandalf spoke to me earlier this day and they DIDN'T TELL ME THE WHOLE STORY. Can you believe it? I had to discover my whole history by accident. You had to hear mister Thorin Oakenshield his reaction. That was enough for me to decide to leave. Diary, I have an idea. I'll go back to Mirkwood. To the place where I was born. I want to talk to King Thranduill and ask him what he knows about the Athredil and the Ovanes. I want to know if it's true what they say, that I'm the only one who's over. I will go back to Mirkwood without the dwarfs!

I closed my diary and decided to practice my spells. It has been long time since I had practiced them. Maybe it was because I was a bit afraid to do it in public. The dwarfs were always very curious about it, they always asked questions.. and everytime I had to say that I didn't knew the answer. On the one hand it was nice of them that they were interested in my magical life, but on the other hand everytime they asked about it I felt special. Special in a bad way.

A few spells later I stuck my spellbook in my backpack. I yawned and decided to sleep. Tomorrow would be a long day. My trip to Mirkwood wouldn't be that easy. I closed my eyes and wondered about the dwarfs. Where were they and what were they doing?

Reageer (1)

  • LynnBlack

    Welcome back dearie! You definitely deserved a kudo for this chapter!
    So glad there's another hobbit story going on (apart from mine) this is so good!
    I'd say go on quickly but take your time i won't be going anywhere :)

    7 jaar geleden

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