Foto bij The start of my new life part 2

I woke up with the feeling that someone was watching at me. Suddenly the light went on I saw that a girl was standing in front of me. When I took a better look at her I saw that she looked almost exactly like me. This must be my sister. I did not know what to say, I could only stare at her with a sheepish look. After a few moments I regained my ability to speak and as I started to talk she pointed a gun to me. “Hi sister” she said, “sorry that we don’t have a lot of time to get to know each other, but there are some things I need to take care of”. “It seems that we are the ones who are the rightful owners of the English throne, but as you know there can only be one queen”. “I have the perfect solution for that problem”. “I give you a choice, or you choose to run away and let me be queen or you die know”. She said that with such an extremely cold voice that a ripple of panic deluged me. i did not know what to do, my instinct said that I had to run away as far as I could and just go back to my normal life but I could not let her be the queen of England. “Well time is ticking, you got one more minute to decide what you are going to do, .You better start running” she said full of sarcasm. I summoned up all my courage and with a convincing voice I said: “I will never let you be queen, I will do anything to disturb your plans”. The minute I said that I jumped towards her and I managed to kick the gun out of her hands. I fell on the ground trying to avoid that she was able to get to the gun. She started to wrestle and I knew that I was so strong as her. When her fingers were just centimetres apart from the gun I started to accept my destiny. Her fingers grabbed the gun and when she turned around to point the gun at me I saw a glance of ingrained hate in her eyes. I closed my eyes, waiting for the moment that she would pulled the trigger. I opened my eyes when I heard a dull bang. My sister lain unconscious in front of me with a little arrow in her temple. “It will hold her in sleep for the next twelve hours” I heard a man saying. “It seems that we were just in time,” said somebody else. “ For the first time since I woke up I was able to breathe normally. I was finally in safety. The men lead me to a big room, with in the middle of it a large table. All the seats at the table were occupied except for the chairs at the head of the table. “So I think we can already remove one chair now” said a man who was dressed in a rather special costume. He beckoned me to sit on a chair. When I looked around the table, I started to recognize some people. The Prime Minister and some other men I already saw at the news where here. “So because of the incident that took place I think that we can all agree that Katherine is the only one of the two who will be a good successor of the king. This evening there will be a ceremony. Maybe it is a good idea to take Katherine to the dressmaker and the make-up artist because it will be a live ceremony. You can leave now.” When I stepped outside of the room, I realized that my life was about to change drastic. Nothing is going to be the same anymore but I was ready to start with my new life as a queen.

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