Foto bij The Hobbit | Chapter thirteen.

As fast as we could, we ran back to the camp. We took our backpacks and waited for Radagast. "I'll draw them off!" he said while sitting on his sled. "How? These are gundabad warcs. They will outrun you." said Gandalf. "These are not normal rabbits, these are Rhosgobel Rabbits. They're really fast and to be honest I would like to see those orcs trying to catch me." said Radagast self-confident. He pulled the reins and drove away in no time. "Let's get out of here." yelled Gandalf. We ran into the fields and from a distance we could see the orcs running after Radagast into the other way of the field. I hoped Radagast wouldn't get cought by those orcs, but I had to run and he had to take care for himself. "Harper? Are you okay?" yelled Kili. I couldn't talk because I was already out of breath so I nodded in the hope that Kili would have seen it. We ran and ran and suddenly Thorin stopped because right in front of us we saw Radagast with a group of orcs behind him. We didn't know which way to take and Gandalf said that we had to stay together. My heart was pounding and I wished that I could transform to hold the orcs from a distance so the dwarves could run away. But I stil coudn't transform because at this point I was to weak. We ran back from where we came and hid behind a giant rock. When we saw no gundabad, Gandalf said we had to move again, we left the big rock and ran into the field. I didn't dare to look behind, so I kept on running, hoping that we would find a place to hide. Suddenly we saw Radagast sliding just before our faces, so we immediatly turned back and ran towards another rock. I had to do something, but I didn't knew what. There were too many gundabands and I was to weak to use strong spells to destroy them. Suddenly Bofur grapped my waist and held me very tight. Everyone stood there against a rock, squashing each other. I heard footsteps above us and I knew it was a warg because it started to growl. I burried my face into Bofur's woolly coat, I heard his heart pounding very fast. Kili took an arrow and shot the warg. A few seconds later the warg fell on the ground together with the orc. Was he dead? I didn't knew, but the warg made a terrible screaming noise that resounded through the field. The Orc jumped up, Dwalin took his weapon and started to cut into the gundabad. Bifur and Thorin enjoyed him and helped him by killing the orc. Kili took another arrow and shot it straight into the chest of the orc. He fell down and stopped moving. It made so much noise that I was pretty sure that the other orcs would have heard it. We had to leave, now. "RUN!" yelled Gandalf. Bofur let me go and together we ran again through the field. "There they are!" yelled Gloin. I started to panic and knew that I had to do something. "BILBO." I yelled, the Hobbit turned around and looked at me. "Save it for me!" I said while throwing my backpack to him. He didn't understood what I did and some other dwarves looked also a little bit confused. I climbed onto a rock and I heard dwarves yelling my name. "Harper, what are you doing?" - "Are you crazy?" - "JUST RUN!" I yelled. I stretched my arms and held them in the air. I had fifty percent chance that this spell would work, fifty percent chance that I would die. I took a deep breath because I had to focus, I didn't matter that I was weak, I just had to focus and therfore I needed my head. And it this point, my head was very clear. I just had to be one with the whole field to let the spell work. "Focus, Harper. Focus." I said to myself. I heard the gundabads coming closer and still I hadn't the field in my power. "Focus. Focus." I said to myself. I took again a deep breath and decided to give it a try. "Electric Shield!" I yelled, I felt the power running through my veins and the field was mine. I openend and stretched my fingers, so the power would spread itself over the field. I made a separation in the field, an electric - invisible - field was made. Whenever an orc or any other creature would touch it, it would be thrown away into the field. "Harper, come here!" the dwarves yelled. I didn't listen because my schield wasn't strong enough, so I had to stayed focus. I couldn't destroy these Orcs with the field, but I could win time. When I thought it was strong enough, I opened my eyes and saw the orcs coming, I started to grin because I knew what would happen. The first orc crashed to the shield and flew away into the field, some other stupid orcs tried it too, but they also fled in the air into the field. Some wargs didn't survive, but the black magic that the orcs possessed was too strong against my powers. "Come here you fools!" yelled Gandalf. I turned my head and saw that Gandalf had found a kind of a cave under a rock. "GO, I'M COMING!" I said. I couldn't stay here forever so they had to hurry up a little bit. My arms started to hurt and I felt how I lost the power of the field. I turned around and saw Fili and Kili jumping into the cave. Thorin looked at me and yelled: "HARPER YOU HAVE TO COME NOW." I dropped my arms and from that moment the shield was gone. "RUN HARPER!" Thorin yelled. I jumped of the rock and started to run, I was almost there when I heard the gundabands coming closer. "RUUUUUUN!" - I ran as fast as I could and before I knew it, I jumped into the cave. I fell onto the ground and was heavily breathing. Nori gave his hand and pulled me up. I laid my hand on my knees and tried to breath normally. Suddenly we heard a horn, after that we heard the noise of clenching weapons, were those orcs fighting with each other? A few minutes later a gundabad rolled into the cave with an arrow through his neck. Thorin took the arrow and looked at it. "Elves." he said. He threw the arrow back at the ground and looked furious to Gandalf. Before Gandalf could say something, Dwalin interrupted. "I cannot see where the patway leads. Do we follow it or not." - "Follow it ofcourse!" said Bofur. I went to Bilbo and asked for my backpack. "Thanks for carrying." I said. He winked and said: "Do you know that you're crazy?" - "We all are." I said with a wink. He smiled and together we followed the others through the cave.

Reageer (1)

  • LynnBlack

    Wow awesome chapter!
    Go Go Go Fienieeee!!!
    I srsly need characters like Harper in my books and stories!
    She's so amazing!

    Snel verder pleaseee???

    8 jaar geleden

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