Foto bij The Hobbit | Chapter twelve.

There were dwarves lying on the ground and other dwarves were getting roasted. I heard the trolls talking about turning into stone when the night changed in day. I just had to do someting until the sun came. "You're making a terrible mistake." said Bilbo. He jumped up and started to spring around in his sack. "What is he doing?" I wondered. The trolls started to discuss with Bilbo about cooking dwarves. Suddenly one troll picked up Bofur and held him above his mouth. "They have worms. They're full of parasites!" yelled Bilbo. They came closer to Bilbo and I was so scared that they would eat him also alive. So I jumped out of the tree, took a rock and threw it to the head of a troll. "HEY, FAT ASS!" I yelled. The troll turned his head and again I threw a rock. "YEAH, I'M TALKING TO YOU!" - "What did you say?" asked the troll. "I SAID THAT YOU'RE A FAT ASS AND YOU ARE DUMB LIKE A POTATOE!" I yelled. The troll came closer and that was my moment. "SAVAGERY CHARGE!" I yelled. In no time the roots started to grow and took the troll by his feet, the roots slung the troll in the air and hung him upside down. The second troll came to me and again the roots took him by his feet and slung him also upside down. The two trolls started to yell for help. The dwarves were cheering and while the third troll tried to release the others, I ran to the dwarves on the ground and tried to release them from those jutes bags. I helped Bilbo and Fili but before I could help the others, one troll took me and lifted me up. "So, you thought to be smart." said the troll. "Pity, because we are the smartest." - O god, "Transform." I whispered. But it didn't work. Come one, this is one of those moments where it would be really helpful to transform into a flying creature. I closed my eyes and said it again, but it didn't work. I had another idea! I stared at the two trolls their feet and whispered: "Flame Volley." The leaves under and next to their feet started to burn. The trolls were hopping around and the third one became nervous. "Just jump on it! It will snuff out!" he yelled. "YOU, LET IT STOP!" he said to me. "Ewwww, you're breath smells. Let me do something about that." I said to the troll. "Wave of Mint!" - "What's that taste? It's burning my tongue!" screamed the troll, he opened his hand and threw me against a tree. With a smack I fell on the ground. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice: "The dawn will take you all" and after that I saw a lot of light. My head was pounding and it felt like my skull would break into pieces at any moment. I couldn't get up and I heard the dwarves cheering. I had to release them from the fire and the jute bags. But everytime I tried to get up I felt dizzy and fell back on the ground. Finally I stood up and slowly I walked to the dwarves, believe me right now there were twinty-six dwarves, two hobbits and two wizards. "Are you okay?" asked the first Kili. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said while holding my thumbs up. "Are you sure?" asked the second Kili. "Yeah, yeah. I just didn't know you had a twin. When did he arrive?" and after saying that, I lay back on the ground.

"Harper?" I heard Balin ask. I opened my eyes, sat up and looked around. This wasn't the camp nor it wasn't the place where those trolls were. "Were are we?" I asked to Balin. "We're close to a cave where the trolls were hidden during the day. Thorin, Gandalf and the others are busy with inspecting the cave." he explained. I nodded as a sign that I undersood everything. "But how are you?" Balin asked. "I'm fine I guess." I stroked my head and I felt a little lump. "It's a little bit blue." Balin said. A few minutes later the others came out of the cave with a lot of weapons. Balin gave his hand and pulled me up. Dwalin came to me with a sword. "Thorin said you could use one." he said while giving me a sword. "Thank you Dwalin." I said whereafter he winked at me and walked away. "Something's coming! Stay together!" shouted Thorin. "Dwalin, you take Harper!" demanded Thorin. Dwalin came to me and before I could say something, he already threw me over his shoulders. We ran through the woods and heard some yelling. "THIEVES! FIRE! MURDER!" an old, dirty man appeared out of nothing. He sat on a sledge pulled by bunnies. Dwalin threw me of his shoulders and I landed - luckily- very softly on the grass. "Radagast!" said Gandalf. Oh, Radagast the brown. One of those wizards. Wait? Was that a wizard? I must saw, Gandalf just looked flawless in comparison with Radagast. "What on earth are you doing here?" - "I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong." - "Yes?" Radagast took a deep breath and was ready to start speaking, but it looked like he forgot why he came here. "Oh, I had a thought and now I've lost it!" he said. "It was right there on the tip of my tongue." - "Oh! I know the feeling." I said. The dwarves turned their heads and looked at me a little bit irritated. "Sorry." I whispered. "Oh, it's not a thought at all. It's a silly old stick insect." - "Okay....." I said. The dwarves looked at each other because they thought probably the same thing like me. Radagast is an old weird wizard. "Just let me have a alk with you alone Gandalf." said Radagast. The two wizard walked a bit further and the dwarves decided to held a siesta. I sat against a tree and stroked my head again. I must be looking wonderfull. Fili came towards me and took a place next to me. "How are you?" he asked. "I'm fine. I think." - "You did a good thing with those trolls." - "Oh yeah? I just made a fool of myself. I attacked those creatures without having a proper plan. - "Because there wasn't enough time to make a plan." - "Maybe." - "You saved us." - "It was Bilbo that saved you all. He was the one who started distracting those trolls. I just helped him." - "But you did a good thing by helping him. Because I think those parasites wouldn't held them back by eating us." - "Maybe. But it happened, and it was a happy ending with a big ugly lump at my head." - "You still look beautiful to me." he said. Before I could answer we heard some noice from the distance. "Are those wolfs?" asked Bilbo. "No, that's not a wolf." said Bofur. And after that a warg appeared out of the bushes. Fili took my hand and pulled me up. Thorin attacked the first one and yelled Kili his name. Kili shot with his bow a second warg. "An orc pack is not far behind." yelled Thorin. "We have to be out of here." said Dwalin. "We can't! The ponies are gone!' said Ori. I squeezed Fili his hand because I knew that I couldn't fight in this state. I was still dizzy and I couldn't ran properly.

Reageer (1)

  • LynnBlack

    Aaaawhh poor Harper, take care of yourself gurl! Fili, kili be her bodygaurds okay!
    Snel verderrrr please?!
    I love it!

    8 jaar geleden

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