Foto bij The Hobbit | Chapter eleven.

The next morning we left the cave and rode with our horses through the forest. Fili and I shared again a horse. Before we left we made a deal about holding the reins. Everytime Bombur asked to have a break because he had hungry, we would change. And believe me, we had to change a lot. It was already afternoon when it started to rain. Most of the dwarves had something to protect their head or hair, but my cape/coat didn't had something like that. I felt how my bun started to drop, there were also a few hair strands coming out of my braids. I tried to sweep them of my face with my cold hands but a few seconds later they were there back again, hanging all over my face. "Mister Gandalf?" I heared a voice yelling from behind. Gandalf turned his head and so did I. "Can you do something about this weather?" asked Dori. "It's raining, master dwarf. And it will continue until it stops." spoke Gandalf wisely. Dori sighed and I started to giggle. I turned my head, but then I heard Dori yelling my name. "Lady Lilybite?" - "Yes, Mister Dori?" - "Can you change the rain into something nicer? Like sun rays?" - "No Dori. I'm sorry. Rain and thunderstorms are a part of black magic. That's stronger than my nature powers." I explained. Again I heard a sigh. "Lady Lilybite?" asked another voice. "Yes?" I said and turned my head to see who was calling my name. "Can you just, stop moving please?" mumbled Fili. "Sorry." I whispered. "Can you conjure food?" And from that moment I knew that it was Bombur that talked to me. Fili and Kili started to laugh. "It's your turn to hold the reins." said Fili with a smile. I sighed and took the reins. My hands were cold and the reins were soaked so it wasn't very easy to held them. Everytime the horse did an unexpected move, my fingers slipped of the reins. I wished Thorin found a place were we could shelter for the rain, it wouldn't be a good thing if we were all sick. Could you see it? Thirtheen sick dwarves, one sick hobbit, one sick wizard and one other thing - because I still didn't knew if I was a human or an elf or...- also being sick and start to fight with a group of orcs? Just imagine, you're ready to behead an orc and just on that moment where you slide your sword along the neck of that dirty creature, you have to sneeze. At this moment it sounded pretty funny, but if it would be real? We would have no chance to survive.

Finally it stopped raining and you could see the evening sun between the trees. I shivered because I was still cold and from this point we couldn't enjoy the warmth of the sun. In the distance we saw a little house, but if we came closer you could see that it was a dilapidated House. Thorin stopped and stepped from his horse. "Dwalin, Bofur and Gloin come with me, the others wait here." he demanded. "Oh please, let us sleep here." I whispered. Gandalf stepped of his horse and walked towards Thorin. "We stay here for the night." yelled Thorin. Fili jumped of the horse and so did I. We took our stuff and started to set up our camp. Gandalf and Thorin had a little talk but soon Gandalf left. "Gandalf? Everything all right?" I heard Bilbo ask. I looked around and saw Gandalf walking away, he looked a little bit mad. "Gandalf? Where are you going?" asked Bilbo again. "To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense." - "And who's that?" - "MYSELF, mister Baggins!" yelled Gandalf. He couldn't be serious, he promised me to help me and now he's leaving? I threw my backpack at the ground and runned after Gandalf. "Mister Gandalf?" -" Not now, Miss Lilybite." - "You can't just run away!" I yelled because I was too tired to run after him. "You made promises! You can't just break your promises! Mister Gandalf?!" I yelled louder but he didn't listen and ran off. I threw my hands in the air and went back to the camp. So, that meant that I had to discover my powers on myself. Great! The only man who could tell me something more about myself just ran away because of a stupid dwarfking. "Come on Bombur. We're hungry." said Thorin.

Soon the night fell upon us and diner was served. I didn't knew what Bombur had made - and to be honest I didn't really wanted to know what is was, because it looked disgusting- but I promised myself that I would eat the whole thing. I took my plate and sat on a rock that lay a little bit further by the camp together with my books. I stirred and played a little bit with my food because I didn't dare it to put that mixture in my mouth. "Come on Harper. You've already did a lot of weird and crazy things. Just put that thing in your mouth." I said to myself. I squeezed my nose and took a bite of Bomburs diner. It was too hot so I puked it out on the ground. "I'll try it again within some minutes. I took the book with spells and tried some things, most of the spells that I tried went pretty good. Only the spell to make things bigger failed, it went all smaller. Probably a wrong pronunciation. I closed my book and looked to the plate with food. "Just do it" I said. I squeezed my nose again and decided to just pour the whole thing in my mouth. I think I swallowed for like four times and the porridge was gone. Luckily for me I had my drinking bottle, I took a sip and I was a little bit disappointed that my bottle was empty. So, I took my stuff and went back to camp. When I arrived at the camp I didn't hear a thing. Would they already sleeping? When I came closer I saw the fire burning and on the ground a lot of plates. Where were the dwarves and the hobbit? The ponies were still on the same place so it would be impossible that they left without me, besides they forgot their backpacks. Suddenly I heard some laughter in the distance. We're they pranking me? I grinned and before I could yell at them how 'funny' it was, I heard some screaming. Holy. I threw of my cape and ran into the woods. In the distance I saw some light, I decided to climb into a tree and then jump from branch to branch until I came closer to the light. If they would still praking me I could make fun of them into the trees by playing a ghost or something. But when I came closer I smelled something weird. I decided to jump to another tree and from that point I saw what happened. There were trolls, roasting my dwarffriends.

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