Foto bij The Hobbit | Chapter eight.

I hope you'll enjoy it so far! :)

It was pretty early in the morning when I woke up. I mean, it's not that I slept that much, but I saw the morning light between the curtains and that was a sign for me to get up. There were a lot of things that I had to do before the company left. I had to buy new arrows, sharp my blades, made sure that I had enough food in my backpack and some other things that I just really needed to go on my new adventure. Yes, I made a decision. I'm going with the dwarves, the hobbit and the wizard straight to Erebor. They need my help, and it feels like a duty to help people in need. There was no one who helped me or my folk and I don't want to be that kind of person that's too scared and too selfish to help other people in need. They have to right to claim back there hometown and like I already said if I can make the difference then I should do it. I stood up, took my bar of soap and my hunting clothes and went to the bathroom. There wasn't warm water, but I couldn't care because I've washed myself enough in cold rivers or lakes and I knew that there would come a time that I would wash myself again in cold rivers and lakes. I combed my hair with my fingers and started to braid it, just in the same way like I always did. My hair was very long and that's not always convenient to fight with long hair. I went back to my room, took my knives and the money that I earned yesterday and went to the village. I knew that I had to be careful with spending my money because it wasn't much. But first things first, arrows! I went to the nearest weapon dealer and asked him for my arrows. I described how they looked like and in what kind of material I wanted them. Most of the time I chose a wooden arrow with a metal tip. Just easy and also a little bit odd, but I thought that they were the best arrows you could imagine. The dealer came back with fifteen arrows. I discussed the price, because they weren't very cheap. Luckily I could buy them for a good price and gave him also a piece of wolves sheet that I got by hunting. Maybe I should try to sharp my knives on my own. Because by buying those arrows, I lost already a half of my money. I went to a little grocery store and looked for some bandages and some healing ointment, I also bought a new water bottle and some cookies. Sometimes I really need sugar and the cookies can comfort me after a dangerous battle. I still had some money left and I decided to keep it just in case I needed something badly. I went back to the Prancing Pony and saw that Fyona was busy with cleaning some tables. "So, you're early on the road." she said with a smile. "Yes." was the only thing I said. I didn't knew what to say, could I say that I would leave together with the dwarves to claim back Erebor? I mean, it's that something that people out here may know? "I'm leaving." I said. She looked at me a little bit confused. "How you mean you're leaving? You just arrived here?" - "Yeah, but you know those giant groupe of dwarves that came here yesterday?" She nodded. "Well, they are also on their way to Laketown. I don't know why and I think it would be a good idea to travel together with them. You know, it's much safer to travel in group than on your own.. with all those orks in Middle-Earth." I explained. She looked at me and I saw that she didn't understood it. "But, how about the money?" - "I don't know. I mean, money isn't the main thing for me. I just want to go back to Laketown. I've been away for a long time and I really want to see my cousin back and my friends." She nodded and went back with cleaning the tables. "Are you mad?" - "No, it's just. I thought that I was also your friend." - "But you are my friend!" I said while hugging her. "I promise you that I'll come back to visit you!" - "But what if you don't survive?" - "Hey, I'll survive. I have massive muscles and I can run very fast!" She laughed and hugged me back. "I'll miss you my lady." she whispered. "I'll miss you too." We hugged each other for like a minute but I hadn't much time and I still had to make my backpack. "Fyona, I really need to make my backpack. The thing is, the dwarves don't know that I'm coming with them so if have to be sure that I'm totally ready to go with them. We have no time to lose you know." I explained, she nodded and smiled weakly. "I'll see you!" I said and went upstairs. I put my cape on and put everything in my backpack. My knives were sitting safely in my belt and my cape masked all my weapons. I hung my backpack on my back together with my bow and arrows. When I was mentally and physically ready I went downstairs and saw all the dwarves sitting on the table. Fili was the first one who saw me. He stood up and came towards me. "Are you leaving?" he asked? I smiled weakly. "Yes, together with you and the other dwarves." I said. He looked at me a little bit confused. "Do you mean, that you do it?" he whispered. I nodded. "SHE DOES IT!" Fili shouted to the other dwarves. Most of the dwarves were cheering and clapping, only Thorin looked a little bit frustrated. I just ignored it and promised myself that I would make a talk with him later in the day. "Did you already ate something?" asked Ori. "No, I didn't. I went shopping early this morning." - Fyone came with a plate of bread and some meat. "It's free." she said with and winked at me. I took a place between Ori and Dori and started to eat. Gandalf looked at me and gave me warm smile, then I looked to Bilbo who did the same thing. The other dwarves were staring at me while I was eating my breakfast, their eyes were sparkling and were filled with gratitude. And from that moment I knew I made a good decision.

Reageer (1)

  • LynnBlack

    AAAAWWH of course this was a good decision!
    Good Luck Harper! ;)

    8 jaar geleden

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