Foto bij The Hobbit | Chapter six.

For those who are wondering what clothes Harper wears:

Normal outfit during the quest:
Outfit during work in the Prancing Pony (imagina also wearing a white apron):

"Hey Lady! Yeah you, can you please bring us four ales?" an old hobbit asked. "Yeah, just a moment please." I said as kind as I could. I walked to an empty table, picked up the ales and cleaned the tables. Then I walked to the bar, put the ales in the hot water and filled four cups. I walked towards the table with the old hobbits and gave them the ales. "If you weren't that pretty we would already be gone." said another hobbit while touching my ass. I took his hand and laid it back on the table. "Lucky me." I said with a weak smile. I walked back to the bar and started washing the ales. I felt a little bit of wind blowing in my hair, that's how I new that there were new customers. "Excuse me? I heard a deep voice asking. I knew that voice, I've heard this voice before so I turned my head and couldn't believe my eyes. There stood Thorin Oakenshield with his whole company. I froze, I saw how their eyes grew big. "A minute. I will get Lord Butterbur." I laid down my towel and looked for Butterbur. I found him in the corridor talking to a customer. "Excuse me?" - "Yes, Harper?" - "There are customers mister Butterbur." - "I'll come. Just a minute." I nodded and walked back to the group. "Just a minute. Lord Butterbur will come." I said with a smile and went further with the ales. "You work here?" asked Fili or was it Kili? I looked up and said: "Nowp, I'm just bored so I decided to clean up these ales." - "That was just a stupid question, Kili." said Fili. "May I help you? asked Butterbur. "We're with fifteen and we would like to spend the night here. Do you still have some rooms?" asked Thorin. "I have three rooms with four beds and one room with three beds left." he said while taking the keys. "That's good." said Thorin. "Harper. Will you lead them around? asked Bitterbur while giving me the keys. I rolled my eyes and said: "Will you follow me please?" I walked to the corridor and went upstairs. "Those three rooms are for you." I said while opening the doors. Ori, Nori, Dori and Balin walked into the first room, Bifur, Bombur, Bofur and Gandalf walked into the second room and then Fili, Kili and Bilbo walked into the thirth room. "There is another room with four beds on the second floor. Just follow me please." I said while Oin, gloin, Dwalin and Thorin followed me. "Here it is." I said while I opened the door. "At least there's one thing you can." said Thorin while looking at me. "Pity isn't it that the Hobbit didn't listen to your advice." I gave him a weak smile and said: "Don't do like you already have the Arkenstone. Because there are orks outside waiting for your head." I turned around and went back downstairs.

A few minutes later the group came downstairs. Fyona was busy with cleaning the ales and the two other waitresses were busy with pleasing the men. I walked to the big table and asked what they wanted to drink. As I expected they asked for beer. When the cups were filled I went back to the group and gave them the ales. "If I was you I would use my magic, maybe it would go faster." said Dwalin and the whole group started to laugh. I held my hand in front of the cup and one second later Dwalin his face was covered in beer. "Was there anything else?" I asked with a friendly smile. The group looked at me a little bit confused. "No? Okay." I said, turned around and walked back to my ales at the bar. Gandalf stood up and came to me. "May I talk to you for a second?" he asked friendly. "Okay?" I said. "Not here." I looked around in the café and saw that Fyona could handle it on her own. I nodded to Gandalf and followed him upstairs to his room. "I want to talk with you." - "That's what I thought." - "Are you really from Dale?" - "Yes, I am?" - "Hmm." he said and walked in circles around me. "Weird, because in Dale there only lived humans and as far as I know, humans can't use magic." - "I know." - "How can you use magic?" - "I don't know. A few days before the dragon destroyed my hometown my mother gave me an old book with spells. And she told me that I had to keep it safe as long as I lived." I explained. "May I see that book?" Gandalf asked. I didn't knew if it was a good idea to show it, because Gandalf was a great wizard, what if he said that those spells were bad of what if he told me that the things that I did were wrong? "It's in my room." I said. He nodded as a sign that I could go to my room to get the book. I left the room and ran upstairs, in my backpack I took the old grey book - with a tree on the front - and went back to Gandalf. He sat on bed with his stick or was it a scepter in his hand and looked outside. "This is it." I said while giving it to him. He opened the book and started to flip pages and sometimes he stopped to read things. "Can you use the dark magic?" he asked. "No, sir. I'm only good with the magic of the four elements. I've tried once a darkspell but it didn't work." - "What happened?" - "There happened so much things. First I couldn't breath anymore ... then I felt two cold hands on my neck, like someone would suffocate me... I laid on the ground and couldn't really move but I tried and tried and after a few minutes I finally reached the book, closed it and everything stopped." I explained. "I see." he said. "Never try those spells again." - "Why?" - "You have to trust me in this." - "Why?" - "Because I'm Gandalf." What a stupid answer, I thought in myself. "Harper, why don't you come with us on the quest?" Gandalf asked. "Excuse me? I think that I made my point very clear in Bag End." I said. "I know. But maybe if you come with us, your magic could help Bilbo by stealing the Arkenstone." he said while giving me the book. "And if you come with us, I can help you with your magic." - "Why would you help me?" - "Because, Harper Lilybite, you're something special and you could make a difference." He stood up, gave me the book and left the room.

Reageer (1)

  • LynnBlack

    Oooooohhhh c'mon Harperrr!! Bilbo needs you! Thorin (secretly needs you too), everyone needs you!!! ;p
    I love it!
    Snel verder please?

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