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POV Percy Jackson

Katarina walks out of the big house and I sigh again, “Well it looks like I will be going than”. I stand up straight, Annabeth does the same, “I will walk with you”: she says and together we walk outside after we said goodbye to Chiron. He wished me good luck and asked me to keep an eye out for Katarina. That is more self-protection than following his request I mean that girl has no idea what she got herself into. At the Athena cabin we stop walking. “Be careful for once okay, I will not be there to save you this time”: says Annabeth. “Ofcours I will be careful you know me”. “That’s what I am worried about”. “I will be okay I have Blackjack with me and Katarina whatever she might be”. Annabeth kisses me, “Love you my Seaweed Brain”: she mumbles afterwards. “Love you too Wise girl, I will be back before you miss me”: I promise her and let her go. She smiles unsure to me and walks her cabin in and I walk to mine. Tyson is already snoring in our cabin. In the little light of the fountain I undress myself. My clothes I dump on the floor and I crawl in my bed with only my boxers on. With great reluctance I close my eyes, not because I am not looking forward to tomorrow more because of the weird dreams lately. Somehow I fell asleep because I walk up from a hard knocking sound and Tyson who drags me out of bed. I fall on the floor and look at him confused. “Why did you do that?”: I ask him. “Scary grumpy looking girl is at the door for you”: he whispers. “Percy the sun is setting get your lazy butt out of bed”: screams Katarina. “Scary she is indeed big guy”. Quick I get up look for my pants and camp half-blood shirt, I get a pair of sneakers and put Riptide in my pocket. “Tyson have you seen my backpack?”: I ask him while I look through the mess on the floor. “Under my bed”: he says and points proud in that direction. I get my bag and stuff it full with, a clean shirt, some drachma, extra pants and two cans of coke from my forbidden coca cola six pack. “Well I will be back soon big guy”. “By big brother”: says Tyson and hugs me very tight. “Hey we are gaining daylight here”: shoots Katarina again. “She really scary”: mumbles Tyson sad and I nod after that I walk out the door.

Katarina is standing there with her arms crossed over each other waiting for me. The only thing she has with her are her bow and quiver and a very small backpack. She is wearing jeans, white blouse, a blazer and the headband now around her head. “Took you long enough”: she grumbles and starts walking towards the stables just when I was about to ask her why she is not wearing a camp half-blood shirt. I sigh and walk after her. In the stables walks Blackjack immediately towards me. “Hey boss are we going on an adventure?”, yes I can hear his voice in my head that’s a son of Poseidon thing. “Which one can I use?”: asks Katarina, I look at Blackjack: ”Well which one is willing to help us?”. “Brody has been dying to go on a quest Boss”. “Why did you asked the horse?”: she asks me. “It’s a son of Poseidon thing but you can ride Brody, that’s that one”. “You mean you can talk to horses because your dad, Poseidon made horses from sea foam”: she concludes. “Yes one of the perks”. “Cool”: she whisper mumbles and walks to the brown pegasus Brody who is super excited to go. “Wait how do you know about that it took me one year to get the basics”. “I took Greek mythology in high school I was really good at it except for the ancient Greek parts I suck at those”. “You are a mystery even for this world”. “I take that as a complement”: she says and gets on Brody who starts walking out of the stables. She looks over her shoulder to me, I still stand next to Blackjack . “Come on Jackson or should I start calling you Seaweed Brain”. “How. What. You only spend fifteen minutes with Annabeth where have you two been talking about”. I get on Blackjacks back and go after her. “None of your business”: she says and let’s Brody take off, Blackjack follows.

“So where do we fly too?”: I ask “North maybe it was cold in most of my dreams”: I suggest. She only nods and looks around, “That way”: she says and points. “How do you know?”. “You wanted north right well the sun goes up there, so down there than that’s south and that’s north”. Confused I look at her, “My dad thought me to navigate on the sun, the moon and stars, we went camping allot together”: she explains with a smile. “She sounds nice boss”. “Blackjack likes you Katarina”: I say and she smiles again. “You can call me Kat, Percy”. “Euhm okay”. “I know we started on the wrong foot but just image for weeks you have weird dreams then your favourite teacher tries to kill you, you land in a world you thought was impossible and then the boy from your weird dreams is a real person. And I don’t know how your dreams went but in all of mine you got me in trouble so I didn’t trusted you but now I have to trust you. So let’s start again”: she says. “Yeah your right I also didn’t came in this world under the best circumstance. My dreams mostly started when we were already in trouble. Starting over sounds okay”: I say. She smiles at me again and takes something out her backpack. “Catch Percy”, immediately she throws something at me and I catch it. “Bread?”, “Yes, you missed breakfast so I stole some for you and for on the road. Travis and Connor showed me the way to the food surplice”. “You’re not so bad as I thought you were Kat”: I say and eat the bread. After three hours of flying the sky becomes darker and the wind gets harder. “Kat”: I scream to get over the wind, “Yes”: she screams back. “Do you have a place in mind where we are flying to?”: I ask her. “I dreamed about this place a National Park in Canada I think we should start there”. “How long is that flight?”. “Ten or eleven hours by plane so maybe seventeen by pegasi”. “She got really good faith in us boss but that trip is at least 20 hours maybe more with this weather”. “Kat Blackjack says its twenty hours or more and they need rest”. “I know, I got sugar cubes if they need an energy boost”. Out of nowhere thunder and lightning flashes. “Told you Zeus doesn’t like to have me flying”. “Don’t be su”,

but more I don’t hear. Lightning struck right in front of us. The pegasi get so scared that the prance and we fall off. “I am not ready to die”: cries Katarina lost. She looks so beaten I just know I look the same. She reaches for my hands and I take hers tight than we at least die together. Ground is getting closer but it’s no ground it’s water. “We are saved”: I yell, Kat looks confused. I start paying to Poseidon to save us both. As soon as we hit the water I lose consciousness. Something cold falls on my face maybe a water drop. I can’t remember I was outside or the last time it rained in Long Island. Another drop slowly I open my eyes the light is blinding at I blink a few times. I cough and allot of water comes out of my mouth. “Percy are you okay”: somebody asks. I look up and see a girl bend over my face. The water drops fall from her face on to mine. I blink again and go sit up straight. Her long black hair is completely wet just like her clothes, her bright blue eyes look at me worried. Behind her are Blackjack my pegasus and Brody another pegasus. “What happened Kat?”: I ask her my voice sounds a bit weird because of all the water I coughed out. “Percy is that you?”: she asks again. “Yes Kat hit your head and forgot me already. Yes it’s me Percy you left camp half-blood with me to go on a quest”. Her eyes become bigger like something shocks her. “I am fine but Percy what is your gender?”: she says. “That’s an weird question can’t you see I am a boy. You sure you didn’t hit your head”. She scratches the back of her neck and shakes her head. “Very funny Zeus”: she screams to the sky, that I remember how we fell down in the lake at my feet. “Don’t insult him Gods are not great enemies”: I say but thunder sounds already. “I am not afraid”, “You should be Kat, I have experience with a God as enemy”: I mumble and shiver at the memory of my fight with Ares back when I was twelve. I try to stand and it goes fine only a bit shaky. “Percy maybe you should check yourself”. “What why am I hurt”. “No but I know now what that terrible change thing meant”: she says and pulls a bit of a sad face. “What, what did it meant, what happened to me?”: I ask and instead of checking myself I look at Katarina. Out the pocket of her jeans she pulls an army knife and flips the largest one out. “Take a look yourself”: she says and gives me the knife. I pull it up to my face and use it like a mirror. “O MY GODS I AM A GIRL”.

Reageer (1)

  • LarryNiam

    I like the last part xD

    9 jaar geleden

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