18/01/2015 - Assignment Defence Against the Dark Arts
Name: Quies
House: Hufflepuff
Professor: Weasley
Subject: Defence Against The Dark Arts
The Curse of the Bogies and the Knockback Jinx
For the Curse of the Bogies I would go back to my old high school to use it on the math teacher I had in my last year. That chubby old man who loves opera and used to walk between our desks while doing his unintelligible explanation before suddenly hopping in front of your desk like a rabbit with a loud thump. His two feet firmly on the ground, peering his eyes into yours – intruding your personal bubble doing so - while he would ask a question you didn’t know the answer to. A loud sigh would escape from his lips and he would do his explanation again – still in front of your desk while he put his hands besides your notes, leaving chalk marks – but the explanation would be as unintelligible as the first time.
That old man that also taught math to a 8 hour math class and would give us the exact same test as them although we only did a 4 hour math class. You know, old man, with your thumbs behind your belt, your button-down shirt tucked in your trousers, you fingers resting on your hips, there was a reason we chose to do only 4 hours of math.
I can rant about this teacher for hours but I won’t, since that is not the assignment and I think you get the picture.
I wish I could go back, my wand between my fingers, silently opening the door of the classroom where he would be teaching. I wish I could point my wand at his round belly making a half-full circle, silently whispering the word ‘bugedie’ so a greenish color would appear, causing him to get a strong cold and an extremely running nose. He would fall backwards, boogies running from his nose like little slimy, green snails while he lies there helplessly on the ground like a turtle with his arms and legs in the air, not able to get up again.
I would watch him for a few seconds and then I would use the counter-curse - which I looked up already - because I am a Hufflepuff and we forgive people and don’t let them suffer longer than necessary.
But I would have given the class he was teaching a good laugh and a laugh means everything.
The Knockback Jinx I would use in the summer on the mosquito’s that dare to enter my room, because although I love almost all animals, those insects are irritating as hell. (Sorry for my harsh language.) As soon as one of those failed creations from God (again, sorry for my language use) would zoom beside my ear I would turn on the light and point my wand at the insect lady that planned to drink my blood.
I would wait until they would land on the wall or another flat surface before taking my wand and making a little ‘v’ in the air, whispering the word ‘flipendo’ as threatening as possible, so my wand would become purplisch, blue and knock out the insect and I finally would have some peace.
The use of that spell will let them know I’m dangerous and that they can’t just take blood from me without asking. It only knocks them out after all. I would never kill them although they are some miserable creatures. Maybe I would send them in a package to a couple of Slytherins as soon as the spell wears off, so they can go irritate the snakes. But then again, they probably would have no problem at all killing those little bastards and in the end all creatures of God deserve to live. So I would set them free.
Side Note: I would love to use the curse of the bogies on Voldemort because, you know, he has no nose and it would be interesting to see where his boogies would come from. But since he is dead and rests at piece that isn’t possible. A shame that Harry Potter didn’t think of that though…
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