‘Beauty is the sensation of communicating with someone without words.’

Beauty surrounds us everywhere. But what is the real definition of beauty? To me, beauty is not the physical manifestation of what society thinks is “Ideal”. Beauty is a sensation that becomes embedded in your mind; like the first dew drop of spring, the smell after it has rained, the first cocktail of summer. It is the sound of friends laughing so hard that the noise becomes a mere whisper, the sensation of communicating with someone without words, the joy of finishing a book that has changed the way you think. I believe that beauty is not what we seek in others, it is something that must be discovered by one’s self. Beauty is not about what you wear and how you look. I think that true beauty is realizing that you could not be more happy than you are in this exact moment. True beauty is struggling through tough times, through pain and tears. You fight, over and over again. Yet, you still do not give up, even if you want to. You always have a little hope that keeps you alive.

'Society has killed the idea of beauty.'

Society has killed the idea of beauty. Society has the idea that girls are only beautiful if they have a thigh gap, clear cheekbones or dimples. This idea of beauty makes girls insecure. Girls are losing more and more weight until they see their bones. People are obsessed about the idea of beauty made by society. Because of the high expectations of society, people commit suicide, because they think they do not fit in society. But that is not true. Every single person is beautiful, but unfortunately, not everybody has the ability to see it and that is why I think society has killed the idea of beauty.

'Everyone has something inside that makes them beautiful and worth to be here.'

Everyone has something inside that makes them beautiful and worth to be here. Everyone is here for a reason but not everyone realizes that. Unfortunately, we can only see a humans face and body. We cannot see what is on the inside. Most people only care about their looks. What is on the outside is important too but it has not the priority. Later, when you are old and grey, beauty on the outside fades away. Therefore, why would you care about your looks if it all fades away? What only stays is what is on the inside. And that is the only thing that matters in the end.

'Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving nature's laws wrong, it learned to walk without having feet. Funny, it seems to by keeping it's dreams; it learned to breathe fresh air. Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else even cared.' - Tupac Shakur, The Rose That Grew from Concrete

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