Foto bij Why i like One Direction.

ik dacht, omdat jullie toch mijn verhaal lezen maar eigenlijk niets over mij weten zal ik dit hoofdstukje plaatsen,
ik had t al geschreven, geen idee waarom maar ik had er nood aan.
en nu deel ik dit met jullie (: ja het is in het engels.. als jullie het misschien per se willen kan ik het wel vertalen?
nouja laat me iets weten wat je ervan vind!

I’m really a Directioner, and yeah i’m proud of it. You wanna know why?
Well, here we go.

There was a time when I really felt bad, I felt like people didn’t like me, I felt shut out. Do you know what it feels? Like you’re all alone? Like no one likes you? Yeah I smiled, but that smile was fake. There were many times i was just crying, I didn’t want to go on. Sometimes I felt that bad I thought about suicide. I was scared of it, so I didn’t do it. Days went by and I still didn’t feel good. I really tried do be strong but in the evening, when i was laying in my bed, I started crying. I just couldn’t stop it. No I didn’t cut myself, I just didn’t dare. But I was ruining my life, and I couldn’t stop it.
“They don’t like me.”
“They think I’m a weirdo.”
“Ow, they did something nice, and ofcourse, I wasn’t invited.”
“That girl is looking at me, would she think i’m fat?”

You know the feeling? When you feel fat, ugly, not worth it, just like you’re not beautiful and no one likes you. Yeah I felt like that. And maybe you can say now “pff everybody says that, you’re just one of the many. You just want attention.” No I don’t, I never did and I never will.

And then, the boys came. I already heard of them, but I just didn’t really became a fan. But that time was different. That melody, that voices, that lyrics. It touched my heart and soul. I went on my computer and i searched on youtube their songs, and I really liked it. I started to smile again. On a special way I started to feel beautiful. And then I saw there video diaries. I saw how crazy they all are, just like I used to be. It made me happy again. I wasn’t thinking anymore that I was fat, ugly and I wasn’t worth it.
I started to become myself again, that weird me, that real me.
I’m not gonna say that the boys saved my life, but they definitly helped me trough a lot of shit. Without them I don’t know what I would be now.
It’s like my life’s complete now with there music.

When I feel sad I listen to their song and that makes me happy again.
When I’m totally crazy I listen their songs and I sing and dance like a total retard. I dare to be myself again. And that’s because of One Direction.
Because of that crazy Louis Tomlinson, because of that food-loving Niall Horan, because of that smart and caring Liam Payne, because of that mysterious and vain Zayn Malik and because of that flirty Harry Styles.

If you ever say that Louis is gay, then why has he a girlfriend?
If you ever say that Niall is ugly, then why does he has more girls that love him then you?
If you ever say that Liam is boring, then why are they so many girls that love him?
If you ever say that Zayn only thinks about his hair, then why did he donated £5,000,000 on comic and relief and not on hairspray?
If you ever say that Harry is a manwhore, then why does he get nervous when he’s talking to girls?

You maybe know their names, but not their storys, you don’t know what kind of persons they are.

And I’m not ashamed because I know every lyric, I’m not ashamed because I know every little detail about them.
I’m not a freak, I’m a directioner.
Maybe not from the beginning, but I hope I still can have to proud to call myself a truly Directioner.

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