ik heb deze in delen gedaan. veel plezier!.

They all had someone and he had never felt it, the feeling that made people lose their mind and do things for that one person they have the feeling for. “Love ugh.” I said when I flied around the towers of my castle. “Someday I would find a cure for love” I thought out loud and I went in to the storage level.

I was working on a new machine when someone rang the doorbell. I walked outside and looked who it was. “Zoey! What are you doing here?” I shouted to her and I let out a angry huff. Why does she have to come? She knew I had feelings for her and she was with Rythian. “hey Lalna, I have someone who I really want you to meet” she shouted back. “She is new here and I was wondering if you could give her a tour around the world.” I looked at the person next to her. “Sure, come in” I shouted and I was wondering who the girl was. I quickly flew down and typed the command to open the doors in to the computer. I looked up to see a girl with black hair. She wore black pants and a black shirt. She also had a brown jacket and a long black scarf. “thank you for taking care of Sandy for me” Zoey said pointing at a brown mushroom. I totally forgot about Sandy. “no problem, and what is your name” I asked the girl who looked at the ground. “my name is Lydiana but people just call me Lydia.” The girl said in a magical voice that end a shiver down my spine and looked up. I gasped at the sight of her eyes, they were violet like Rythian’s. I took my sword and put it against her throat. “Lalna no, stop that” Zoey shouted and she tried to pull me off her. I shook Zoey off and looked at the girl. “get away from this place and go back in your filthy hole” I said with a cold voice. I jumped of her and turned my back on the two girls. I started to walking away. “wait lalna, she didn’t do anything, please give us a tour. Zoey shouted after me and I stopped walking. “she is like him, an..an animal” I said with the same cold voice and I started walking again. I stopped when someone put a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see a couple of violet eyes with an angry look in them. “Ry....Rythian” I gasped and jumped backwards. The mage stood before the two girls. “what did you say about my sister” he said and he held his sword to my throat. “I.I..I” I tried to speak but Rythian pushed his sword harder in my throat and I could feel the blood dripping on my lab coat. ”give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you right now” he growled at me. “why I shouldn’t just slice your throat.” He said and I swallowed. I looked at the angry mage. His eyes glowed and his face was full of hatred. Even if it was half covered by his mask, you could see it clearly. “Rythian stop” someone shouted and I looked at Zoey, thinking she was it. but it was Lydia, she looked at Rythian with a angry frown. She moved towards us and put a hand on his shoulder. He seems to calm down and he let me lose. I fell to the ground and I grabbed my throat. I rubbed it and tried to stand. I was rewarded with a kick in the stomach by Rythian. “Rythian stop right now” Lydia said and I looked at her. “but he hurt you and called you an animal” Rythian said and looked at me. He spat on the ground next to me and kicked me again. I gasped and curled in to a ball. “I said stop it” Lydia said and she slipped in front of me. “leave him alone” she said and slapped Rythian in the face. “he wanted to kill you!” he said and turned is head towards Zoey for comfort and support. Zoey just looked at him and shook her head. “probably because you did something stupid” Lydia said as she knelt beside me. Rythian walked away angry. “are you okay?” she asked as she searched my body for wounds. I just lay there and looked into her violet eyes. They were very pretty if they weren’t full of hate. ‘’lay still, I’m going to heal the wound on your throat” she said and there came a purple light of her hands when she spoke some words in a language I couldn’t understand. I felt a sting of pain and then relaxed. I began to stand and I moved my goggles back on my head. “much better, thank you.” I said and I was ashamed about the insult I threw at her earlier. “lalna won’t help so let’s go to Blackrock.” Rythian murmured and started to fly away, Zoey right behind him. “I’m staying right here.” Lydia said, Rythian looked back but didn’t bother to respond. Zoey waved and when they were out of sight, I let my defensive pose lose . “sorry for my brother” Lydia said and looked at the direction Rythian left. “he is just a bit protective.” She sighted and looked at her feet. “it’s okay, I’m just shocked that there is another one of you” I said looking at her with a great interest. “what do you mean by ‘another’” she asked and she looked at me with a confusing look on her face. “an enderhuman, half enderman half human.” I said to her and she backed off a bit by the look on my face. “h...how” she tried to ask me how I knew but she couldn’t come out of her words. I smiled and shook my head. “your brother and I were once friends but that’s long ago. He agreed that I could take some blood from him and test it. my machine told me he was part enderman.” I said and smiled at how fascinated I was when I found out. “I begged him for more tests but he wouldn’t let me do it” I said and my smile turned into a grin. She backed away some more and I jumped out of my thoughts by her movement. “shall we begin with the tour then?” I asked with an fake smile on my face. She glared at me for a few moments before nodding. “alright, do you have a flying ring” I asked while looking in my bag for the stuff to make one. “yes I have.” She said while holding up her hand , there on her finger was a ring. I was wondering if everyone of Rythian’s family was a mage. “well as you can see this is my castle. Do you want to take a look inside?” I said and I knew the answer to the question before I even asked it. “no, I hate science.” She said with a sharp edge on her voice. “okay, then let’s go meet everyone in the world” I turned towards Honeydew Inc.

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