Ik heb een liedje geschreven(nerd)
En ik wou t even laten lezen hier:

Story in my head

I smiled at you
Thinking you should do the same
I thought we're true
But that was lame
Oh so sad
It's a story in my head
Never ment to be told
A story about you
Oh baby I'm so cold
Without you...

Yes you're always passing by me
And you're not answering my love
And I thought you really liked me
But now i think you don't
I guess I always stay alone...
(Stay aloooone.......)

There was this dream
About you and me together
You've never seen
You were made for me
Oh so sad,
It' a story in my head
Never ment to be told
A story about you
Oh baby I'm so cold
Without you..


I'll stay alone...
Sometimes I think
You are not worth my pain
Do you know how i feel?
Waiting, standing in the rain
Yes it's sad
But it's also true
I'm stánding in the rain
Without you...

Refrein x2

Yes I will find my love
But not
With you
(oh baby)
I will go
My own way
And I'll stay
Away from guys
Until I find
Someone who loves
me too...

Yes you're always passing by me
And you're not answering my love
And I thought you really liked me
But now i think you don't
O yeah for now I am alone...
I am alone...
Until I find my

(c) Nienepien
Staat NIET voor niets copyright op!!!

Nou, dat was het. Ik vind de bridge nogal vaag eigenlijk? Reacties???


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