Hello everyone, my name is Watson and my work right now is solving cases. Ain't that amazing?!
In these blogs I am gonna talk about our stories. I hope you're gonna like it.

In this case we have a serial killer, but we still don't know who our murderer is.
Well, I don't know, but Sherlock is a freaking genius! That guy knew who I was before he even met me!
That's crazy isn't it?
But first something about this case.
It all started with a call from a police officer. She said there were three murders. And they all had something in common.
A person she said. And Sherlock immediatly said: 'Probably me'. And the weirdest thing was. He said it quite happy.
He was happy about a serial killer?! And then we went to the crime scene. Right there we found the head of Amy.
Amy is someone who helped Sherlock

Je ziet nu Sherlock. Sherlock heeft een wapen vast en schiet op de muur. En dan komt Watson aangelopen.   

Watson: What the hell are you doing?
Sherlock: Bored.
Watson: What?!
Sherlock: I’m bored!!

Hij schiet weer op de muur en blijft ''Bored'' schreeuwen.

Sherlock:Life is so dull without any murders to solve.
Watson: I don’t think everyone will agree on that. 

Agent enters

Agent:Well I can help you with that. We need your help on a case, Sherlock. 
Sherlock: there has to be something different, right, there’s always somethingdifferent otherwise you wouldn’t come to me. 
Agent: OfCourse, we have three murders, (agent laat de documenten met moorden zien) and they all have something in common. A person. Can you guess who?
Sherlock (zegt nogal blij): Probably me. Come on Watson, grab your stick we’re goingto have some fun. 

Ze lopen over plaats delict, Sherlock onderzoekt het lijk. 

Watson: Having fun? 
Sherlock: Starting to 
Watson: Maybe don’t do the smiling, you know, murdered people.  

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