Haven't post anything yesterday. Well, shit happens.

I've got a very nice sister. I first want to make clear that I do love her, before i continue. Me and my sister have a quite good and tight relationship.

However, my sister completely freaks out over the smallest things. If she doesn't get it her way, she starts to scream and gets stressed and upset. And then I'm just like: calm the fuck down.

Okay, so last year she failed some tests (all of them). She failed her theory exam a couple of times. And so she got kinda into a depression. Don't get me wrong. She wasn't really depressed, but more upset and a bit depressed. No, she just got depressed. Anyway, it doesn't matter in what way you put it.
My point is here, that she often gives up. She wanted to give up again, but this time she was holding on. That's why I'm proud on her.

And geuss what, she passed her theory exam (finally!) and she also passed her retakes.

I strongly believe that if you truely want something, and you fight very hard for it, you'll succeed.
I want to be a journalist one day. And I want to set up my own gossip magazine. Some people tell me that this is just my dream. It might be my dream, but then it's a dream which will come true. How do I know? I believe in myself.

Right now, school sucks. And I suck at school. But I'm gonna fight for it, untill I've got what I want.

People don't tell you how to live your life. And if they do, fuck them. It's your life, and only yours. You should fight for your own life and and for your own goals. There are no rules. You can change your life in the way you want to have it. As long as you keep strong and remember to never give up.

No matter what happens, the frozen edge is not frozen yet.


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