I guess a lot of people have the same as I have. Or should I say: do the same as I do.

I started high school 4,5 years ago. So right now I'm doing my fifth year.
Since 4,5 years, I have to study for tests. Obviously. However, I've always started too late with studying. I keep promising myself that next time I will start studying earlier. Then why don't I do that?

My biggest issue is French. It's acctually quite easy. I mean, we need to study some words and sentences by heart and then also some grammar. However, I find one chapter hard to learn, 'cause it's pretty much. Now we need to study two chapters. I give up.

Didn't tell you yet, but my mother is a French teacher in high school. Like, that doesn't help me anyway. But a lot of people conclude from that, that I'm good at French too. Even my parents think that I should be very good in French. Let me say this again, people. My mother is a French teacher. Not me. I repeat. Not me.

Okay, I used to be good at French. When I was motivated enough to study the words and sentences. The reasons why I was motivated then and not now is easy to sum up. When I was in the first grade, one chapter was much less than one chapter in the fifth grade. So it was easier to remember the words because it was much less, and it took also little time to study the chapter. Also, after 4,5 years, I'm acctually just tired of school and tired of studying those stupid French words and sentences. Why on earth did I choose French?

I choosed French, 'cause I just to be good at it, and also because I love languages. That's about the only thing that I find interesting at all. To be honest, my interest in school doesn't go beyond music class.

Anyway, my parents, and especially my mom, keeps telling me that if I study French earlier before the test, I'll probably get a higher mark. So is my French teacher telling me the same. I've heard it I guess over 100 times in the last 1,5 year: 'you can't study at the last moment, that won't help you'. Yeah, neither does my promises to myself that I'll study earlier this time.

So I've got a French test on this Friday. Guess what? I promised myself to study last weekend, but I still haven't started yet.

By the way, I keep talking about my French. Just for the record, it's not just French. I've got this problem with every subject that I've got. And I'm pretty sure, that I'm not the only one with this problem.

As the title says 'do the same as i do', I will acctually tell you right now, that you should not do the same as I do. For once in your life, listen to your French teacher.


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