jonathan: what is bobby?
bobby: can i spreak with?
Jonathan: sure, I am for you..
Bobby: first I want to know how are you ?
Jonathan : no idea, I am white, the last time ... the corpse may or I ... you know ...
bobby: If you're tired, or are sick again, I endorse you.. but this is about ayra.. She is injured ...
jonathan :injured? by whom?
Bobby : mystique, she change in you but she threw her off the stairs.
Jonathan : What?, where was it and when?
Bobby : Monday is that happened, ayra is now still in the hospital..
Jonathan : I go to her.. even though I must come back here ...

jonathan was in his pajamas, on the couch ...
He was sick the last time ... He was on ... and went his shoes to attract that next to the bank was ... and went to the sick room.
where he saw ayra. equal.

Jonathan: Hey jean ... How is it going with ayra?
Jean: With ayra is not so best, she has a heavy accident.
jean: but how is it going with you head?
jonathan: that is another piece of the story ... I come not from me but from ayra..
Jean: there you have equal in..
jonathan: well, I'll be honest with you ... It is not good in here ...

He points to his head ...

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