I also have three other friends. Naila: Everyone should have a friend like her. She's such a good person. She always crack me up with laughter and touch my heart with here kindness. She has een wonderful ability to know when to offer advice and when to sit in quiet support. Time after time she have come to my rescue. And brightend so many of my routine days. And time after time I've realized how fortunate I am that my life includes her. I really do believe that everybody should have a friend like her. <3 I love her. Then we have: Jaydee.
She's so sweet. Even though we have never met, I feel a bond between us. A bond that should have taken years to build, Yet was built in a month or two. A bond that lifelong friends should have, Although most never do. A bond that I am glad to share with her... My Friend and Confidant. She come to me every day as A message on my screen, A message that I can rely on To cheer me up and make my day. Through a keyboard we share Our ups and downs. I have opened my inner self to her, And she have to me as well. We have traded secrets and laughs, As well as sorrows and pain. I have never met her, but feel as if I have known her most of my life. To most this might sound silly, But I assure them, it is not. I love her <3 And last but not least: Jake. What can i say? He's just my big brother I always wanted. I support him in everything, (: <3

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