If you dress nicely, he says you’re a snob.
If you dress sexy, he says you’re a slut.
If you argue with him, he says you’re stubborn.
If you’re quiet, he says you’re boring.
If you call him, he says you’re needy and clingy.
If he calls you, he says you should be grateful.
If you don’t love him, he’ll try to win you over.
If you love him, he’ll leave you.
If you don’t f*ck him, he’ll say you don’t love him.
If you do, he’ll say you’re too easy.
If you tell him your problems, he’ll say you’re irritating.
If you don’t, he’ll say you don’t trust him.
If you lecture him, he’ll say you’re bitchy.
If you break a promise, you can’t be trusted.
If he breaks it, he had to.
If you cheat, you expect it to be over.
If he cheats, he expects to be given another chance.
Either way…you’ll never win.

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