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Somewhere on the earth


Dansen, lezen, schrijven, fantaseren and many more(:


"Once upon a time, there was a traveling circus. They decided to set the circus up in a small town. All the people of this town went to the circus the next evening. They took place on the tribune, curious for what was coming. At first they saw the elephants, then the lions, the rope dancers, the clowns and then finally the magician ... That's were this story actually begins. This magician did all kinds of tricks, he did card tricks, let a silk disappear and read people's minds. After the show, there was this little kid who came up to him. The boy looked a little disappointed. 'What's wrong little boy?' asked the magician. 'Your tricks weren't real, right?' The little kid asked and he looked up at the surprised magician. 'Why do you think my tricks weren't real?' The magician asked the little boy. 'Because magic doesn't exist ...' replied the boy. The magician began to laugh. The magician sat down on his desk, while the boy sat down on the chair. 'Well, well boy ...' began the magician. 'That's quite something to say! Let me show you something, do you have a little bit of time?' The boy nodded as an answer. The magician took a paper and a pen. He began to write something down. After a while he gave it to the little boy. 'Read.' The magician said. The little boy began to read and when he was halfway, he began to cry. 'This ...' He stuttered. 'This is really beautiful! But what does this have to do with magic?' The magician smiled. 'A book is is proof that humans are capable of working magic.' The boy looked down again at the paper and nodded. 'Because you can make people smile, cry or become angry?' The magician smiled and added: 'And you can create a whole new world, without any machines, do you understand and believe that magic actually does exist?' The boy nodded, he began to smile again. The magician was right! The boy went home and from that moment on he read as much books as he could and loved the magic."

"Being a person is getting too complicated. Time to be a unicorn."

"I like writing, caus' it keeps me out of reality."

"Always be yourself. Unless you can be a pirate - then always be a pirate." ~ Jack Sparrow

1 decennium geleden

9 jaar geleden

1 dagen 15 uur

1141 [24 uur]











Gastenboek (30)

  • EpicPancakes

    xthevampire xthevampire2 uur geleden
    Je zult wel zo je redenen hebben om te stoppen, maar toch zou ik graag willen zeggen dat ik het jammer vind, want je was echt een super goede schrijver! Was benieuwd hoe het verhaal af zou lopen, maar ik denk dat ik het nu maar zelf moet af dromen! :p

    Ik hoop dat je ook al is het niet op Quizlet, toch door gaat met schrijven? Je hebt talent ...

    Danku schoon (:

    Ik ga wel schrijven, maar niet meer hier. Er werd teveel gekopieerd door anderen, vond ik zonde van mijn inspanningen. Bedankt voor je complimenten xx (K)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Ro

    Dat is dus het hele punt, ik haat het feit dat het zo voorspelbaar is. Dat is niet waar ik voor wil staan. Sigh, I guess I fucked it up and there's no going back now.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Mugiwara

    Oeh, talen vind ik ook wel leuk. ^^ Antropologie is ook heel veel met reizen, dus we zitten toch een beetje in dezelfde hoek. :3 Tolk worden lijkt me ook wel erg gaaf.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Mugiwara

    Ik studeer culturele antropologie in Utrecht. ^^ Het is echt een hele onbekende studie, maar het heeft zeg maar vooral te maken met andere culturen en dingen als globalisering en hun invloed daarop. (:
    Oh, succes met je examens! Weet je al wat je daarna wil gaan doen?

    1 decennium geleden
  • Mugiwara

    Ah jammer, anders had ik je misschien wel eens gezien. ;p Zaltbommel heeft ook een kutschool hoor. :'D Ik heb vorig jaar examen gedaan en ben oprecht blij dat ik er weg ben. ><

    1 decennium geleden

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