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xSuzepuusx is offline



chocola eten(A)


Me (H) horses
Me = melig
Me likes the word hope
Me likes to love
Me writes her own songs
Me (H) singing
Me (H) playing piano
Me (H) Cody Simpson
Me (H) Justin Bieber
Me (H) Jacob Black
Me (H) a boy who doesn't know that:$
Me doesn't know what to write her:P
Me (H) saying Kiekeboe!


What's love???

Boy: Hai
Girl: hello
Boy: so there's this girl
Girl: yeah
Boy: and I really like her
Girl: uhhh, so tell her
Boy: I just did =-)


I was looking up at the stars...

And giving each a reason why I love you...

I was doing great till I ran out of stars


Love isn't about

The words we say,

The actions we take,

The things we do,

The hearts we break,

It's about people

Who can look at each other

And just know



Arms that will hold you at your weakest,

Eyes that will see you at your ugliest,

And a heart that will love you at your worst

Then you have found true love


Someday someone will walk into your life

Who will make your realize

Why it never worked out of anyone else


Who needs love when there is chocolate

1 decennium geleden

1 decennium geleden

3 weken 4 dagen

14507 [24 uur]











13 Creaties van xSuzepuusx

Gastenboek (436)

  • Dauth

    Nee helaas ken ik Sarah niet real life.
    Ik woon in Enschede...

    1 decennium geleden
  • Dauth

    Dus ik ben koewl omdat ik je Suuz noem.
    Okey cool xD

    En ik ken gekkere mensen (A)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Dauth

    Hoe kun je me nu al cool vinden, je kent me amper.

    En ik weet dat Sarah lief is :)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Dauth

    Ik ga je zeker niet suzanne noemen, want dan denk ik aan me tante en een ander vaag persoon die ik niet wil kennen (niet jij).

    Hmmmm ik noem jou wel suuZ <-- kijk een Z :P

    1 decennium geleden
  • Dauth

    Ja tuurlijk vind ik dat leuk, kom op het is Sarah ;p

    1 decennium geleden

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