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acteren, lezen, schrijven, tekenen, maar bovenal: luisteren

Hey, welkom op mijn profiel ^^,

ik ben onderhand al een tijdje lid van Q, maar dankzij mijn belachelijke jaar-lange afwezigheid ben ik veel veranderd, zonder dat dat op Q te zien is. Daarom -tromgeroffel- mogen jullie mijn geweldige kinderachtigheid van vroeger straks tussen de quotes bewonderen, terwijl ik doorhuppel met mijn leven.

PS, niet twilight-verslaafd meer, wel geïnteresseerd en altijd klaar om er even over te babbelen.
PPS, spammen mag nog steeds ^^,

Haha, xD ik ben een beetje zwaar twilight verslaafd O,o (wat je natuurlijk nog niet had gemerkt aan mijn naam of profielfoto ofzo) maar ik ben al een beetje afgekickt...

Ennuh... ik heb twee verhaaltjes over twilight. 'New Light' is een vervolg op bd, Renesmee pov. Maar die is door de war zinds de crash. En 'Life Won't Crush Me' gaat over Leah Clearwater. Ze is de enige die aan het eind van bd ongelukkig achterblijft, en iedereen haat haar, terwijl ze juist ontzettend sterk is! (maar vnaf hoofdstuk 51 kreeg ik die ook niet meer bij elkaar....)

Ennuh... ik heb een broertje, maar ik mag hem geen broertje noemen want hij is 3 jaar ouder en 2m lang O,o.... Ik heb hem Q aangesmeerd Hij is btw geslaagd :)

ennuh...ik vind Robert Pattinson lelijk (sry, fans, maar kijk dit dan: eng, enger, engst., oh ja, ook nog: FAIL!

Ennuh... Taylor Lautner=wel super hot!

Ennuh.... Team LEAH!!!!!!!!!!! (ik weet, het is een beetje raar, maar ja...) Maar er gebeuren gewoon zoveel vreselijke dingen met haar, ik zou het niet aankunnen, en zij dealt er mee.
Maar als het om Jakie en Eddo gaat, ben ik team Bella, want alles gaat om haar en ze heeft geen capsones ofzo
Dus het is goed dat ze Eddo kiest want ze houdt veel meer van hem! Maar ik was voor Jakie gegaan omdat Eddo te serieus en depri is...

Ennuh... ik ben nog steeds getwilight

Ennuh... ik vind twilight een werkwoord.... (met in de v.t. dubbel T, ja er is over nagedacht(A))

Ennuh... Taylor Lautner heeft ook een ww, met verleden tijd (en het is natuurlijk een STERK werkwoord);
Ik Taylor, Jij Taylort, hij Taylort, wij Tayloren, jullie Tayloren, zij Tayloren, ik Lautnerde, jij Lautnerde, hij Lautnerde, wij Lautnerden, jullie Lautnerden, zij Lautnerden, ik heb geLautnerd.

Ennuh... ik heb haat aan frans... (Je ne parle pas Français, je détèste la France et la proffeseuze de Français est bête. :Y)) Maar dat heb ik laten vallen dus ik ben blij :)

Ennuh... ik bn 24/7 gestoord... Niet op letten.

Ennuh... ik weet veel te veel van twilight, dus ik kan soms over een detail zeuren. Ik zal me proberen in te houden. Maar als je even iets vergeten bent (een bijnaam, quote, acteur, you name it.) kun je het natuurlijk altijd vragen (A)

Ennuh... Voor een heel speciaal persoon: 13/6/1951-20/6/1996 I might have never really known you, but I haven't spent a day after that horrible, sunny 20th of June without thinking about you. I'll never stop wishing you were here. How I wish you weren't just that guy on the picture in my windowsill. How I wish you weren't just some figure in my mind, that could easily be no more than fiction, since I can only guess at you. I know you never believed it existed, but I'm sure you're up there, in heaven. And I'll try to behave, like you would've thought me to, so one day, I can be there, with you. I love you, forever.

Ennuh... ik heb haat aan mensen die verhalen of gedichtjes in een quiz zetten, stories zijn voor verhalen en gedichten, quizzen voor quizzen.

Ennuh... ik heb haat aan geen mail hebben, dus spam me gerust xD (PLEASE???)

Ennuh... ga twilight lezen/kijken. (Je mag stoppen als je alles uit je hoofd kunt opzeggen) het is voor je eigen bestwil. Of niet....

Ennuh... ik heb een vage rooster-quiz-serie, omdat ik mijn rooster haat en het altijd vergeet. (en toen dacht ik misschien haat heel de wereld het wel, en misschien leer ik het wel =D) maar dat rooster is dus van vorig jaar (de 2e) en vandaag sta ik er 4x mee in de top quizzen vandaag! (15/9/2010)

Ennuh... I <3 Dave Days

Ennuh... Ik haat het als mensen op hun profiel gelijk beginnen met "noem me emo/gothic blablabla" of "ik heb andere interesses blablabla" "mensen die niet gothic/emo zijn, zijn dom en levenloos en meelopers blablabla" want dan ben je: 1, aleen maar goth/emo om op te vallen (zwaar triest) 2. dom, want je snapt niet dat mensen dat soort kleren enzo misschien niet leuk vinden en liever iets anders dragen xD (voor de rest best als je zelf gewoon zo'n stijl hebt ofzo)

Ennuh... ik vind het vet irritant als mensen helemaal gaan zeuren over iets dat je op het forum schrijft (vrijheid van meningsuiting, mensjes?) Maar gelukkug zijn dat niet zoveel mensen xD

Ennuh... 500ste bericht (en de meeste andere) naar: iemand die ik altijd SoftTones blijf noemen op Q.

Ennuh... I'll read and answer, but won't delete. =D (archiveren, mensen, archiveren!!!)

Ennuh... spam me gerust. Word ik alleen maar blij van =D(A) But I said that already...

Ennuh... Ik wou nog wat zeggen, maar dat ben ik vergeten...

Alis volat propriis

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13 Creaties van twiddict

Gastenboek (2331)

  • Imaginations

    Jef Dunham Show! Dat is lachen,
    Ja i know, een paar dagen geleden was Step Up 1,
    en in de Bios hebt ik Step Up 3 gezien!
    Die was ook leuk. :D
    Na de White Chicks had ik nog een andere film gekeken,
    blue streak ofzoiets, die was ook leuk,

    1 decennium geleden
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    lololol I'm not sure. going to keep you updated though okay? c: I don't know if I really want it on qquizlet as a storie yet :/

    1 decennium geleden
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    September 15th, 2012

    I walked through an old supermarket, searching for food. Anything would be good, from cans to snacks. It was the middle of the day and the sun was out for the first time in almost two weeks.
    There was something going happen today. I felt it the moment the soft sunbeams got through to the place I was hiding. I wondered if I might find survivors today, but I hadn't seen any humans in about three weeks. Not normal humans anyway.
    The creatures left me alone most of the time, as if they know there was something different about me. I could read them too, although their marks were different and more confusing than human ones. I finally found a few cans with ravioli. I didn't really like the taste, but it could have been worse. Next stop was to find some drinks. The best thing I found were three coca cola's, and I wasn't even sure if those weren't shaken to much. I sighed and made my way out f the supermarket.
    Still wondering what would happen today I made my way to the hiding place I found. It was a small kiosk that smelled like coffee and newspapers. It had its own generator for electricity. A small thing working on a big battery in the two by one foot long backyard. I dumped my food in the little kitchen and opened one of the cokes with caution. It didn't flush over my clothes to my surprise.
    Half an hour later I was walking through the lonely street of London, only vaguely aware of the fact that at least ten dozen demon eyes were watching me from the shades. They didn't exactly like the sun and tried to keep inside their hideaways from sunset to sunrise, even though it was raining most of the time.
    Then I heard a loud groan coming from my left side. There were groans and screaming and... Gunshots? I ran towards the noises. Two streets later I found the cause. A huge Shafan demon and a few Oni demons were circling around a small group of humans. Four boys and two girls. They wouldn't make it if I didn't help them. The Shafan demon was a fire demon, a really strong one too. If I could call on the elements.. Demon fire wasn't easy to extinguish. It kept burning most of the times, but if I could call on water and wind to work together the demon would probably run off. And if the big demon ran the little ones would hopefully too.
    Water and wind, come to me. Help me to make them run. The elements started working immediately and started to fight the demon that let out a squeal in surprise. It turned and started attacking the almost invisible elemental powers, when I came in sight.
    With a loud groan the Shafan demon started running to my direction, its eyes blazing fire. I closed my eyes and shot one of my blades right between it's eyes. The holy water I'd sparkled it with immediately started working and burned the demon. The blade fell on the ground and the demon looked around, confused and disorganized.
    Wind, water. Give it the final blow. Make it run. A swirl of water and wind ran through the already confused demon. It ran away, followed by the oni demons and I finally let go of the elements. The group started running into my direction the moment I went through my knees and everything went black.

    I stared to the ceiling of my room, just listening. Listening to the conversations the scientist had with each other, the night guards playing their favourite game; Poker. Behind that all I could hear Travis whispering to himself and Cherry and James talking to each other about what was before here. Maya was as silent as ever. She hated my guts and I had no idea why.
    I listened to Travis mumbling. It sounded like he was talking to someone. Someone who wasn't one of us. I knew he was talking to his twin sister. Rose.

    I opened my eyes and stared to the ceiling above me. Another ceiling, another room. My arms and legs were bound to the bed I layed on. A girl was sitting behind a desk on the other side of the room. She was reading a book. In just a second I'd read her whole mark.

    Maryse Ariel
    None living

    Name, date of birth, date of dying, things that keep them busy, mood, physique abilities one to ten and family members. There was a constant stream of thought above her name, but I blocked those out.
    On the desk there was a silver suitcase. I knew it was filled with two things. Time to let her know I woke up.
    “Hello?” Maryse jumped up. She looked at me with confusion for a moment.
    “Oh, you're awake. I'll be back soon.” With those words she left the room. I sighed and closed my eyes. Listened. I was underground, at least ten to fifteen foot. A bunker underneath London. One room full of generators. At least seven or eight heartbeats. Eight people. The footsteps from three people on the hall, coming to my room. The door opened and Maryse came inside with two tall boys close behind her.
    The guy closest behind was at least twenty inches taller than me and had brown curls and green eyes.

    Christian Hawthorne
    Demon killing
    None living

    The other was just ten inches taller. He had blonde curls and brown eyes.

    Nathan Termora
    Demon killing
    None living

    That was weird. I checked Nathan's marks a few times to be sure. His psychic abilities were invisible. Christian picked the suitcase of the table and set it on my bed. They stayed silent. I just looked at them, with the same curiosity as how they looked at me.
    Christian opened the suitcase and gave a small capsule to Maryse and held the other capsule in his hands. They looked at each other for a moment and then crushed the capsules on my skin. Holy water and demon blood to check if I wasn't a demon or a angel. Nothing happened and relieve flushed over them. Nathan cut me loose, while Maryse and Christian washed their hands of.
    “Sorry we had to bound you up like this. It just..” They looked at each other for a moment.
    “How did you do what you did to that demon if you are neither demon or angelic?” Nathan asked. I shrugged.
    “I don't know. I just can.” It wasn't a real lie. I still had no idea why I was the way I was, but I did know what made me this way. I sat up and yawned.
    The door opened and a black girl in boy clothes came in. Two big brown eyes looked at me with wonder.

    Jiordan Hulst
    None living

    “Jiordan? Is there something wrong?” Nathan asked. She shook her head.
    “Melody said I had to get you for dinner.”
    “Tell her we'll be there in five minutes. Just have to get..” They all looked at me with questioning eyes.
    “Fiya.” I whispered.
    “We need to get Fiya some clothes.” Christian said.
    “I think she has about the same size as me. I'll get something out of my room,” Maryse said. She pulled Jiordan along with her to the hall. The two boys stared at me, not exactly knowing what to do. I looked around.
    “Where is my backpack?” I asked. I had a backpack before they brought me here.
    “You'll get it soon.” Christian sat down at the desk. Nathan kept standing besides my bed.
    “Where did you sleep?” he asked.
    “Just a kiosk near the heart of London.”
    “Near picadilly?” I nodded.
    “But that's..”
    “Near the breaking point. I know. I was there when the earth was torn open.”
    “And you survived? How?”
    “I don't know..” I hated questions. Especially questions I didn't know an answer to. They both stayed silent for a moment.
    “You don't even know are names yet. Sorry. I'm Nathan and that is Christian. The girl that was keeping an eye on you is called Maryse and the girl in boy clothes is called Jiordan.” I nodded. Nothing I didn't know already, but I had a feeling they would only freak if I told them I knew their names.
    Maryse came in with a few clothes in her hands. She looked at the boys.
    “Are you going to get out of here or do I have to get you out myself?” Nathan and Christian almost ran into the hall. Maryse closed the door behind them and smiled at me.
    “I hope this won't be to big on you.” She gave me a blue top, a pair of jeans and a black hoodie. I smiled.
    “Thanks Maryse.” She looked up in surprise.
    “You know.. Oh the boys must have told you.” I nodded, while I changed my clothes. I heared Maryse gasp for breath when I took my shirt of. She stared at my marks. My marks. I always forgot I had them. They weren't like the marks of people, or even one of the creatures. My marks just looked like a mix up of treads. Small black treads across my whole body. Everywhere except my face, neck and arms. I bit my lip.
    “What are those?” Maryse asked.
    “My marks.”
    “Your marks?” I nodded and cursed myself. She was freaking out.
    “They are.. er..” What exactly were mine? The marks were a part of me, like the psychic abilities. Something that wasn't normal, but at the same time still existed. Although my marks were unreadable and I had no idea why they were there.
    “I don't know exactly what they are. I do know they're not harmful.” She bit her lip.
    “Where did you get them?” I looked at her.
    “I'm sorry, but I really can't tell you.” She nodded. I pulled the top on and the hoodie. After that I slid into the jeans. The clothes were one size to big, but I could manage to move in them.
    “Where did you get your name?” she asked. I looked up surprised.
    “Somewhere.” She sighed.
    “Are you going to hurt any of us?” I shook my head.
    “Not if you don't attack me.” The words stayed in the air between us for a moment, like she was over thinking them. I knew she was full of questions. Questions I didn't have an answer to, because quite frankly I had no idea too.
    A knock on the door brought us both back to reality.
    “Is she ready already? I'm hungry.” Maryse rolled her eyes and looked at me.
    “Ready?” I nodded. She opened the door and let me out before coming onto the hallway herself. Both guys looked at me curious. Curious and full of questions.
    “Let's go to the dinning room. I'm so hungry I could eat a whole horse,” Maryse said. The boys nodded never taking an eye of off me. We walked through three of the same hallways. White walls with heavy iron doors on each side facing each other. Behind some I could hear the rattling of computers or heavy machines. I could smell food.
    “You will love Melody's cooking skills. She's a master chef,” Nathan said, trying to break the slightly uneasy silence in the group. I smiled.
    “I hope she made pasta again,” Christian said. He was almost drooling only by the thought of it. I smiled. I knew it was something else. Something with fish, chicken and rice, but I didn't know the name of it. I could smell the ingredients, though, in the mix of smells that seemed to fill every corner of the hallways. One hallway further away I could hear two people chit-chatting a bit bored. A third voice interfered cheerful. We walked into the dinning room to find four people sitting at the tables. Four pair of curious eyes looked up and stared at me.

    Melody Andrews
    Jason Andrews

    She was the only one who didn't look at me with a bit of a hostile glance. She had long brown, almost black hair and two blue eyes. She was the only one smiling in the room and for some reason I liked her straight away.
    “Hello, I'm Melody. That's Jason, my little brother,” she pointed out the boy sitting at the far end of the table. He had weary blue eyes and light brown hair.

    Jason Andrews
    Computer programs
    Melody Andrews.

    “And that is David,” she said pointing to the boy who was sitting next to the girl in the boy clothes, Jiordan. David had black curls and big green eyes.
    David DeLucca
    None living.

    “You know Jiordan already. So what is your name?”
    “I'm Fiya,” I said. Her smile widened.
    “What a lovely name. Do you like paella, Fiya?” I frowned.
    “You made paella?” Christian asked. He sounded excited for some reason.
    “Do you know what it is?” she asked me, ignoring Christian's question. I shook my head.
    “It's a Spanish dish. You will love it. Come, sit!” I sat down on the chair that stood the closest to me. Nathan took the seat beside me without saying a word and Christian sat down next to Jiordan.
    “I'm going to wake Cherry up,” Maryse said.
    “Cherry?” I asked. The others nodded.
    “She's the last member from our 'crew',” David joked. Cherry. Project Fiya five. Was she really the Cherry I knew? Or just another lost girl. Another lost soul from this small group. Nathan's fork fell to the ground and I cached it just before it hit the ground. It was a reflex, but I immediately cursed myself for doing it. The group stared at me.
    “How did you do that so quick?” Jiordan asked. She was the first to get out of her surprise. I shrugged.
    “I just have good reflexes.” I wasn't going to tell them more than that. I laid the fork on the table and waited silently. Melody sat a few pans on the table. I heared two people coming to the dining room. Cherry and Maryse. Three hallways away, two hallways away, one hallway away and then they walked into the dinning room.
    Fiya. I turned immediately when I heared her mental voice inside my head. My eyes met the big brown blind eyes of a small, young girl with silky brown curls. I smiled.
    Cherry. She smiled back and sat down next to me. Where I could see more than any normal human, she could hear more. She was blind since she got that ability, but her hearing was so good that she could see everything around her. The scientist at the institute had tested her endlessly on that. She even could “see” the features of faces thanks to it.
    When did you..
    Get out? We didn't. They let us free, just one month after you freed yourself.
    Believe me, when I say I have no clue. Nothing changed, they just let us go from one day to the other. Let us go back to our families. I didn't have to ask if her family was still alive, the look on her face said enough. Just then I noticed everyone was staring at us. They did quite a lot of staring here.
    “You two know each other?” Jason asked. We both nodded.
    “From where?”
    Did you tell them?
    Parts of it. I didn't say exactly from where we are and I don't think they know about my abilities.
    I saved their lives fighting a demon of their backs with help from the elements. That is, as far as I know, the only thing they know about my abilities.
    “Hello? Earth to Cherry and Fiya. Where did you two meet?” Jiordan asked.
    Best to keep it a secret for now maybe. I nodded.
    “She is one of my friends from before the Day,” Cherry said.
    “Yes, we were going to the same school.” That was kind of true anyway. They actually learned us things at the institute between the tests that took ages.
    “Which school?” David asked. I could hear from the tone of his voice that he wasn't convinced.
    “Saint Fransiscus. A boarding school west from Manchester,” Cherry said. She was a great liar. David stared at us for a second. He didn't look like he was going to believe us whatever we said, but kept his mouth shut.

    tomtomtomdomodomdom x)

    1 decennium geleden
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    It didn't matter.
    It didn't matter that I was what I was.
    It didn't matter.
    I think.
    I hope.


    August 22th , 2012

    I stared at the people walking past me. It was just a normal grey day in London. Just one of those days that was as grey as any other.
    People closed their jackets against the cold, didn't look at me. I guess they just didn't want to, like no one ever did. I didn't want to care about them. About their marks. The marks that were invisible to others. The marks which I could read like a book, a document. It mainly consisted of numbers, words and colours. Facts about their life and how they were feeling. The constant stream of information telling me when they were born, what they would do in their life, when they would die. It was complicated -so complicated it made my head hurt sometimes- but at the same times it was just so easy. I couldn't block them out.
    Kayra. That had been my name before. Kayra Simmons. That was my name before they - the scientist from EsevenX- turned me. They called me Project finding dreams. Fiya six.
    Kayra was the little girl before the project. Fiya was who I was now. Five years later.
    I escaped just six months ago. On that moment it wasn't because I wanted to escape -well, it wasn't the main reason- I escaped simply because I could. They still hadn't found me. I guess they regretted making me much smarter now.
    On that moment the ground started shaking. First soft and then louder. It took people a while to notice it, but when they did notice it all panic broke loose. Especially because this was London. London wasn't in an earthquake area. Houses started to collapse and the number of victims grew and then finally the earth split open.
    London was holding her breath and then they came. The demons where just the beginning. I knew there would come more. More mythical creatures. Angels. Tonight they took back what was once their world. Tonight the biggest part of the human population would die before the next sunrise.
    And I just sat there. Sat there staring.
    I saw.

    want to read more? x)

    1 decennium geleden
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    Bringing whole disney down with you, aye? x')
    ok ok. Want to read an exculsive part of my new story? c:

    1 decennium geleden

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