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X jammy
X 16 jaar
X rookt
X drinkt
X blowt
X ...?

X dubstep
X hardcore
X hardstyle
X drumstep
X drum & Bass

en ik zou hier natuurlijk nog een hele bandlist aan toe kunnen voegen, maar dan ben ik volgend jaar nogsteeds bezig.

een paar dingen die je miss moet weten:
- Ik heb schijt aan alles, dus ook aan wat je van me vind, neem dus niet de moeite om te gaan bitchen.
- Ik schrijf waarschijnlijk niet, want dat kost me veel te veel tijd en moeite.
- mocht ik ooit toch de behoefte krijgen om te gaan schrijven, en mocht je dan de behoefte hebben het te lezen, gaa dan niet lopen zeiken, zoals al vermeld, heb ik geen tijd om er elke dag wat aan te gaan doen.

okee, nee grapje, ik ben best aardig.als ik jou aardig vind(puh)

Music = life. Without music there would be no value to this life.

~They overflowed just a little, but it's a treasurebox made of tears.
If i open the lid, will I become a grown up..?

miyavi - mamagotoengelse vertaling

Umm, Is this my punishment for playing too many tricks? I can't take this anymore, I hate it.
If I promise not to do it again, will you say "Okay"?

I can't hold all my memories in both hands so I stuffed them in this toy box
I going to lock the key and shut the lid...so it won't open, so they won't fade

Softly, softly, so as not to shake it
always, always holding my breath
I wanted to keep on watching you.
My building blocks all fell down...Oh...

They overflowed just a little, but it's a treasure box made of tears.
If I open the lid, will I become a grown up?

Rattling loudly
It's all crumbling to pieces
But all I could do was watch
the view in slow motion. Even though it was in slow motion.

It was just a sneeze, all too brief

Time is passing, it's passing, it is, but it had stopped.
I wonder why?
But I know why, I do know why, I do, so why is it?
I just dunno.

If I could only 'erase n' delete' it all, maybe things would be easier.
I bet they would.
I'm telling you they would!
Give it a rest, jeez!

vragen?stel ze, ik bijt nogsteeds niet.(A)

la dispute - fall down, and never get back up again.

Out where the stones lay like bones by the ocean

Out where the waves crash contempt on the land

Someone was trembling for fear of the tempest

Somebody silently reached for their hand

Said, understand that if you're cold I'll keep you warm

And besides, there's so much beauty in a storm

So come down with me to the shore

And what's more, I adore you

So tell me, what is there to fear

You think some seraph up above is trying to rob us of our love

Because the sky's not clear

My dear, you know there's not

Now listen to the rain upon the rooftop

But the wind picked up

Out where the stones stand up like thrones beside the ocean

Out where the waves make a grave of the sea

The lovers struggled in the middle of the tempest

And water angrily crawled up onto the beach

Said, hold my hand and stay with me

We'll be released

But the tide clung like an anchor to her feet

And though he tried to make the water line recede

It pulled her out into the sea

He could not break apart the waves to bring her safely back in

He watched her hand break through the surface once

Then disappear again

Forever wait inside the sea for my, my dear

I hear you

You speak in every curling wave

And sing in every violent breeze

Someday not far away from here

My dear, I swear I'll see you

And we will hear the seraphs cry

For they will still envy you and I

How they envied you and I

How they envied you and I

How they envied you and I

okee, bijna klaar^^

15.10.10<333baby, I love you. I love you more than you will ever be able to imagine.

all because of you, I believe in angels.
Not the kind with wings, no, not the kind with halos.
The kind that bring you home, when home becomes a strange place.
All because of you, I haven't slept in so long, and when I do i dream, of drowning in the ocean. Longing for the shore, where i Can lay my head down.
I'll follow your voice, all you have to do is, shout it out!

~rise against~

dat is best wel lang XD
lol, respect als je dit allemaal leest,,,ik had het al opgegeven XD.

You can't stop the unstoppable
Break the unbreakable
Beat the unbeatable
See the invisible
I know you're trying to reach
But can't touch the untouchable
Put a hold on this, I don't believe in miracles!

ryoute ippai koborechai so na omoide dzumeta omocha bako kagi wo ireta manma futashichaou hirakanai you ni asenai you ni

1 decennium geleden

1 decennium geleden

13 uur 18 minuten

300 [24 uur]











Gastenboek (4)

  • sayhifuture

    en anders kan je altijd mij nog helpen met me story (A)

    1 decennium geleden
  • sayhifuture

    Faal, moet je zelf weten :P.

    Ik heb net afscheid van je genomen en nu ga ik verder aan me story :P.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Khalil

    graag gedaan

    1 decennium geleden
  • Khalil


    Welkom op Q

    Have fun

    1 decennium geleden

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