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  • KarmaHawkins

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  • KarmaHawkins


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  • KarmaHawkins


    The show revolves around the four members of the Twist family:
    Tony Twist ("Dad") — a widower with a kind heart, romantically interested in Bronson's schoolteacher;
    Pete Twist — Linda's twin brother, into girls and who occasionally goes out with Fiona;
    Linda Twist — Pete's twin sister, into feminism, environmentalism and judo;
    Bronson Twist — the twins' younger brother, who is obsessed with food and odors.
    Other characters:
    Helen "Nell" Rickards — the old woman who lives in a cottage next door, whose brother, Tom, had been the former lighthouse keeper;
    Harold Gribble — a greedy real-estate agent and one-time senate candidate, who often tries to force the Twists to move out of the lighthouse with business schemes;
    "Matron" Cecilia Gribble — his supportive wife, a nurse;
    James Gribble — his no-good son, a bully at school who often antagonises Pete;
    "Rabbit" — one of James Gribble's friends, often downtrodden;
    "Tiger" Gleeson — the other of James Gribble's friends, often seen commentating various events;
    Faye James — Bronson's schoolteacher; a love interest for Dad, she lives with the Twists in their lighthouse during the third and fourth series;
    Ralph Snapper — Pete and Linda's teacher; with the children he is a harsh disciplinarian who doesn't respond well to insolence, but with adults he is very socially awkward
    Fiona — Linda's friend, and Pete's sometime girlfriend.
    Anthony — in the third and fourth series only, a well-meaning nerd with a crush on Linda.
    Characters who appear briefly in each episode of a series:
    Ghost Matthew and Ghost Jeremiah — two ghosts whose spirits were trapped in the lighthouse during series two after they failed to guide a boat to shore one hundred years earlier.
    Ariel — a girl from the "Isle of Dreams" who comes seeking to take Pete away in the fourth series.

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  • KarmaHawkins


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  • KarmaHawkins

    is dat al:@

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