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Kat (Katalin)

TheWHOOSH is offline

In My Head


muziek luisteren, gitaar spelen, films kijken



Hi, I'm Katalin, but you can call me Kat. I've got long, curly red hair, a pale skin and grey eyes. My favourite colours are pink, red and black. I like to listen to music, watch movies or play the guitar. I absolutely love All Stars, I don't know why; I just do. I also like chocolate, and I'm sort of an ice-cream addict, especially Ben and Jerry's and Australian. I like the tv-series Glee, House and NCIS. My favourite movies are Alice in Wonderland, Where The Wild Things Are, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Public Enemies, V for Vendetta, Edward Scissorhands, Moulin Rouge, Rango, Juno and Pirates of the Caribbean. The movies marked purple are the ones with my favourite actor, Johnny Depp. The language I love the most is English, and, if I may say so myself, I'm quite good at speaking it. I like watching anime, although I don't do it very much. The ones I like the most are Angel Beats! and Avatar.

You probably don't care, but if you do: you can ask me anything you want. I'm not sure if I'll answer, though.

Why I like love Angel Beats!

Because I can be as annoying and hyperactive as Yui,
as much of a know-it-all as Takayama oh, sorry, Christ,
as emotional as Ooyama,
as superior as Naoi,
as confident as Yuri
as incomprehensible as Kanade,
as dark as Shiina,
as aggressive as Noda,
and as nice, mad, and awesome as Hinata.
And of course it's just the best anime ever.

No. I'm not a fan of Hinata.
And I know there are more characters in Angel Beats!, but I ran out of colours x3

Genius is one percent inspiration,
ninety-nine percent perspiration.
~Thomas Edison
The greatest thing you'll ever learn
is just to love
and be loved in return.
~Moulin Rouge

Of all lies, ART is the least untrue. ~Gustave Flaubert

My username is C0NVERSE because I love that brand.

My username is ZER0 because... I don't know, because I felt like it.
My username is TheWHOOSH because I like to say WHOOSH.

What is simple in the moonlight by the morning never is

1 decennium geleden

1 decennium geleden

13 uur 41 minuten

1427 [24 uur]











1 Creaties van TheWHOOSH

Gastenboek (21)

  • Pebble

    Zou je alsjeblieft mijn story over Vampire Knight willen lezen?
    Ik zag dat je van anime houd...
    sorry als je dit haat

    1 decennium geleden
  • Redbone


    Jaa, dieee :3,
    Ik vind die film wel leuk, maar het is niet mijn favoriet.
    Ik MOET en ZAL nog naar POTC 4 gaan haha :]
    Pas ook nog een film gekocht van JD.
    The imaginarium doctor parnassus :'D
    Ben benieuwt hoe die is. Heb jij die al gezien?


    1 decennium geleden
  • Redbone

    Haha dankje.
    Ahw, echt?
    Volgensmij is die nog wel in de bioscoop? [Rango]
    Weetje wat wel jammer was, IK KON JOHNNY DEPP ZIJN STEM NIET HOREN.
    Haha, dus eigenlijk is het gewoon een film, =.=
    Maar hij was wel leuk (:
    Ik heb pas nog een film gezien, iets met Las Vegas, haha, kon hem bijna niet herkennen ken jij die film?


    1 decennium geleden
  • Redbone

    Omg, die bril van Ben en Jerry's is echt Masterr <3
    Haha, we hebben best veel gemeen :X
    Johnny Depp is echt geweldig he?
    Ik heb [/url=]19 [/url] films van hem gezien. (19 is trouwens een link)


    1 decennium geleden
  • Redbone

    Heee, dankjewel voor de reacties enzo (:


    1 decennium geleden

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