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““Maybe there were people who lived those lives. Maybe this girl was one of them. But what about the rest of us? What about the nobodies and the nothings, the invisible girls? We learn to hold our heads as if we wear crowns. We learn to wring magic from the ordinary. That was how you survived when you weren’t chosen, when there was no royal blood in your veins. When the world owed you nothing, you demanded something of it anyway.” ”

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“The heart is an arrow. It demands to aim true."

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7 Creaties van Faelain

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  • LynnBlack

    hahahahah well yes I was talking about Aya and her transformation to Kali, once I was this happy and loving person, I liked hanging out with friends and stuff, I was in love with the idea of love then I realized people used me, misused me and then I kinda became a Kali type, a hateful bitch, a friend of mine and I both agreed on this one fact if killing was legal so many people would've been death already but it would be a pity killing people and then going to prison, I mean why free someone of his one selfish and sick mind if you can just let them suffer and laugh at them that's what I thought a while ago, and love, well lately I've been thinking a lot about love and to me it's just this lonely, selfish and most of all useless thing, it's also magical but that's just for some Lucky bastards "How terrible it is to love something that death can touch" that's what I always know what's sad? By the time I can finally meet Taylor Lautner or Richard Armitage or even Ben Barnes they'll be long gone and I'll be this old lady dying with 72 cats, never even having the chance of telling those people how much I actually loved them I mean how useless could love actually be, all you gt of love nowadays is a broken heart right? So no i'm not really like Kali but i also made a quite big change in my personality...

    Awh genius! Hehe thank you so much! I really don't want to let anyone down so if there's anything i'm doing wrong in my story or if you have any comments no matter about what it is just let me know! ;p

    1 decennium geleden
  • LynnBlack

    Maybe I do understand her that well because we once were pretty much alike ;p
    But that's another story entirely, you're right it is always nice to know people understand you story and most of all your characters so well!

    Hahahh thanks for your comment to EBYT by the way, TeamHyena you're on the good side gurl! ;p
    I hope you'll keep reading this story for much longer cause it's long not over yet! ;p

    1 decennium geleden
  • LynnBlack

    hahah yeah I know, that difference still is kinda clear you know, Kali's still kind of a criminal, she doesn't know any more love, she's one with darkness, Aya only wants the best for everyone, she always helps to good side, she knows what love is and well she used to be scared of darkness until Thorin died and darkness seemed the only escape to her... Right ;p

    1 decennium geleden
  • LynnBlack

    hahah well i've read more hatefull comments about her but i still don't understand why, she only killed bad people until now, murderers, rapers, traitors, any kind of criminal but as long as she doesn't kill a good man or woman or child i will not stand against her!

    1 decennium geleden
  • DeroGoi

    Ik zou het grappig vinden :p xD
    x Stefanie.

    1 decennium geleden

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