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canada in 't bedje van jb


jelena stalken.



''always smiling and happy but inside I feel rotten rotten about the past the past of all the things I did wrong and I really would like to do again and would improve but I live my life and nobody can change that I love me as their friends are happy I am too old but it was different guys did not think about sex and girls were not bitches but you should see it now you know exactly who's fake and who is not but lets just see the real you and be not afraid of showing yourself and not lie about who or what you are but if you just honestly told everything. then all will be well''

"It’s hard, to encourage her to take those jobs millions of miles away that require all her time, knowing that it would pull her farther away from me. It’s tough knowing that those sincere lines she is rehearsing in the bed next to me about how much she loves this boy, will be said to another actor. But it’s more than wanting her all to myself, I want to share her with the world. I want to see her success and the smile on her face, no matter what the sacrifice I have to make on my end."

"kidrauhl, niggarauhl, sexrauhl, adoreauhl, legalrauhl, swagrauhl, dickrauhl, pubrauhl, drunkrauhl. whatever you call him, he is stil my idol."
"On March 1st, 2012. You’ll be 18. Everything I can tell you is.. I’m proud. Yeah, I’m SO proud. I’m proud of your talent, your personality, and everything you can do for us, your Beliebers. I can’t believe it’s like 3 years that i was watching One Time, on Youtube. Three years that your dreams came true. Three years that I keep lovin’ you. I’m so proud to see you winning that awards, because, you really, really deserve them. I love how you didn’t forget God and your family. How you put them in first place and how you didn’t forget who you are. I know it can be hard, when a lot of people say you won’t can do it, but you showed us to never say never, and keep believin’. And even when seems like everyone wants put you down, or they dont understand you, we’re here ok? I know the distance exists but, we are here for you. Your Beliebers. We will be ALWAYS here. Well, I will be. Because, everyday, when I wake up is about you i’m thinking. You make me laugh, and when you smile, I smile. You keep me strong even when everything is falling apart. So please don’t care about the hate cause i’m here for you. And I cry, everytime I think that I can lose you. So please don’t forget your fans. never. I’m just so proud of everything you did, everything you won, I’m proud of being a Belieber.And you know what? You’re my inspiration. You’re everything I have. Every day I pray to God to keep you forever. I really love you Justin Drew Bieber. SO MUCH. I just hope one day I can met you and say it. You saved me. Happy Birthday. I love you, so much." -shawneé.

its like a angel came by and took me in heaven .

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1 decennium geleden

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