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Name: Shoshona Seqourney, Ryder 4 u
Age: 14
Birth date: 01 12 1996
Birth place: Delft/The Hague
Origin: Canada
Place: Drenthe
School: 2VMBO-TL, RSG Tromp Meesters

Hair: Chocolate Brown, long, straight
Eyes: Green, brown glow
Length: 1,55m
Favourite merchandise: Adidas, Nickelson
Favourite shoes: Adidas

Mobile phone: BlackBerry Bold 9700 white
MP4/gadgets: TouchPad, MP4Touch, LG Arena Android, HTC Diamont Special, Dell Inspiron (new!)
Next mobile: BlackBerry Bold 9780 or BlackBerry Torch

Favourite colour: pink, white, grey, black, blue, gold together
Favourite food: Pizza, lasagne, spaghetti
Favourite sports: equestrian, dancing, soccer, basketball
Favourite hobby: drawing, writing, designin’, shoppin’, meet friends
Favourite movie: Pirates of the Carribean series, Bring it on series, Burlesque, The Notebook & NeverSayNever3D
Favourite actor: Johnny Depp
Favourite actress: Megan Foxx
Favourite series: Castle, The Mentalist, Bones, Hawaii Five-o, Gossip Girl
Favourite singer: Justin Bieber, Trey Songz
Favourite rapper: Tupac, Lil Wayne
Favourite Dutchies: Keizer, Kleine Viezerik, Mr Probz, all that shitheads
Favourite music: R&B, hiphop, oldskool
Favourite soccer players: Ronaldinho, Fernando Torres, Gregory van der Wiel
Favourite soccer teams: AFC Ajax, AC Milan, Chelsea, FC Barcelona
Favourite song atm: Mary J Blige ft. Trey Songz – Hood Love
Favourite games: Grand Theft Auto, Maffia and G1 Jockey
Favourite places: Delft, The Hague, Canada, USA, Amsterdam, Brazil, Spain
Favourite stores: Skooter, Coolcat, America Today, Lady Sting
Favourite animals: cats & horses

Cats: 3
Dogs: 1 – chihuahua
Horses: 7
Fishes: 2
Bunnies: 4

Blond/brown: Brown
Brown/blue: Blue
Tall/small: small
Funny/serious: Funny
School/work: School
Phone/MP4: Phone
Kiss/hugg: Kiss
Boy/girl: Boy
Adidas/Nike: Nike
Travel/homesweethome: travel
Friend/boyfriend: friend
BlackBerry/iPhone: BlackBerry
Gangs/maffia: gangs
Games/TV: Games
Laptop/desktop: laptop
Love/respect: both

Swag ain't something you can wear on your neck, you can buy you a chain but you can't buy respect.
- Turn My Swag On by Keri Hilson

He said that I would never had to cry again, he said that I would never had to fight again, he said he fight in a battlefield, my heart was safe with him, all my trust I gave it to him. So I guess I fell in love with a toy soldier.
- Toy Soldier by Keri Hilson

If anybody asks you who I am, just stand up tall, look'em in the face and say: I'm that star up in the sky, I'm that mountain peak up high, I made it, I'm the worlds greatest.
- World's Greatest by R. Kelly

Heartbroken? Girl, u have a foot, the guy has balls, ya know what to do.

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Gastenboek (13)

  • Yahiko

    hahaha wat was er gebeurd?

    1 decennium geleden
  • Yahiko

    raaaaaaaaaaar xd

    1 decennium geleden
  • Yahiko

    jawel, maar ik heb best veel buikpijn. Uit het onderzoek bleek niks te komen ;s

    1 decennium geleden
  • Yahiko

    haha xd, ik had last van buikpijn ;(

    1 decennium geleden
  • Yahiko

    ik ook, nouja. Woensdag meer dan de helft van de dag en donderdag en vrijdag.

    1 decennium geleden

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